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Lens correction tool with lens movement



  • frank Oudeman

    Thank you, I will send a request.




  • Łukasz Gałecki

    I might misunderstand you, but it appears that you apply same lens profile to all images regardless of lens shift position.

  • frank Oudeman

    Hi Lukasz, yes correct.  All three images have the same pov and lens corrections.  Layer the three exposures on top of each other in PS and see if they line up.  Best is to try your own resetting of the corrections and crop to check if you can get them to correct/line up the same.  I hope you understand what I'm getting at.


  • Łukasz Gałecki

    As I understand all images have the same f stop and movement set in lens movement tab and are taken with the same shift. If so then definitely you should contact support as it appears a bug. I thought that problem is different lens position for each image. If you apply lens correction from primary variant to other variants all of them will have same lens correction applied, including mismatched shift position and f stop. For time being you can use ALPA correction plugin for Photoshop. I haven used it for years but it should still work.
    Best regards,

  • frank Oudeman

    Lukasz, you're correct—same images just different exposures.  Communicating with you is not talking to support?  Can you forward this link to support so I don't have to start this process over again?  They should be able to get all the info through our conversations and sample images shared.  So to be sure, you have been able to experience the same misalignments/correction with the lens correction tool?  I used to work with the ALPA plugin before C1 was able to incorporate their plug-in into C1.   Thanks for your help.

  • Łukasz Gałecki

    Sorry but I can’t see any link to sample images in your posts

  • frank Oudeman

    Ah ok.  I had made a case with C1 and Phase1.  The images have been downloaded by Phase 1 under Case Number: CAS-00014228 CRM:0108000003819.  Would that help?  How should I proceed from here?


  • Łukasz Gałecki

    I would wait (reasonable amount of time of course) until they respond with some solution. If they don’t I would remind about your issue. So far I only had experience with handful of supports. Unfortunately I don’t have any experience with either Capture One or Phase One. From what I heard Phase One hardware support is excellent (cameras for 60k€ should have excellent support).

  • mirko kirstein

    may i ask how this was resolved?

  • frank Oudeman

    It never was resolved unfortunately since you/hardware support wasn't able to reproduce the misalignment.  This keeps on happening and has been happening for many C1 versions. It mostly happens with the Rodenstock 32mm lens which does have barrel distortion and mustach distortions.  It's hard to write about when you can't see it in person.  This happens when several frames are layered on top of each other.  The misalignment or lens correction does not copy over exactly the same.


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