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Crashing at startup



  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    The information here 

    says that Capture One 22 is supported up to MacOS Ventura 13.0.

    That does not mean that it definitely won't work for versions of Ventura later than that, but on some users' machines it may not. Could this be the problem? Have you had a recent update to Ventura? 


  • David Clark

    Thanks for your suggestion. I couldn't find the support request portal, so I will pursue that.

  • David Clark

    Ian, the reference you cite says C1-22 is supported through Ventura 13.0.1. I'm running Ventura 13.4, so there is a small difference. I suppose that could be the source of the problem (Apple frequently makes security updates and such). I haven't ever had one of the system software updates break a working program, but anything can happen. I appreciate your suggestion. 

  • Per Borjesson

    As a pro you should know that you run and the release notes say support up to macos 12.2
    As a phase one camera user you should contact phase one.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    David Clark - it is possible that Apple have changed something vital between 13.0.1 and 13.4, though. Often it's OK , but it has been known for an OS update to break something, I seem to remember.


  • David Clark

    Ian Wilson-

    Yes, possible although unlikely for a minor revision. I wasn't ready to upgrade to C1-v.23, but may be forced to do so. 

    I'm currently awaiting the tech support response from C1, as I filed the request for support Saturday morning as suggested upthread by SFA. I'll report here any recommendations made.

    Thanks to all who commented.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I suppose that it depends what counts as a minor revision. The Capture One release notes say v23 now supports up to Mac OS 13.5. I assume that it will be OK with the newest release 13.5.1, but I won't risk 13.6 until Capture One says it's supported.


  • David Clark


    Victor at C1 tech support responded to my tech support request. Turns out that there was a final C1-22 version released to work with Ventura, Capture One 22 - 15.4.3.

    I downloaded and installed this, and it has eliminated the issue of crashing at startup. 

    No further updates to C1-22 are planned, so future MacOS upgrades beyond the current Ventura 13.4.1 (c) may require full upgrade to C1-23. 

    Thanks to all for your thoughtful suggestions.



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