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Retain advanced search rules



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    You can create a smart album from an advanced search. Does that help?

  • JoJu

    No, because one always needs to start from scratch. In old Aperture smart albums could be duplicated and then moved to another group/project and of course also be modified, but that's of course far too advanced for C1 programmers. : / Of course it helps to use smart albums in projects or groups. But honestly, as far as the DAM part of C1 is concerned I lost hope. No search for album/project names possible, selecting more than one album to move them into another project equally impossible: Good editor, poor asset management!

    One part goes AI, the other remains in Windows 3 explorer behaviour.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    I tried creating Smart Album out of a sample filter and creation went well, then I saw an option to edit it, changed the rules to select something entirely different, that exists, and... view was empty. Tried looking for an option to refresh, nothing. I went back to All Images view and... it was empty as well. After the test only manual albums and Capture Folder had any photos in them... Restarting the application helped, but that are several minutes of downtime just to learn, that something not only does not work, but generally entirely breaks access to photos, at least on 16.2.5 Windows.

    Manually saving searches is a bit of hassle, when you change rules even several times per minute - is it really necessary to go through saving the ruleset equally frequently? Why can't this be saved automatically, so even if I introduce substantial additions and forget to save before switching to an album, I can continue working with the same selection after coming back?


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