Resetting a single slider via a keyboard shortcut
What problem do you see this solving?
Whilst executing a slider reset via a double click on said slider is possible with a mouse, my current goal is working towards a largely mouse-less workflow. I've recently introduced a Loupedeck+ controller into my setup, which is largely great, but when compared to Adobe LR, there are numerous commands that are not currently possible with this controller, or even keyboard shortcuts. The rotating dials of the Loupdeck+ are a great shortcut to my editing, but when compared to Adobe LR which resets the particular adjustment when clicking down the associated dial, there doesn't appear to be any such command in Capture One. A keyboard shortcut command would be sufficient for this, as keyboard shortcuts are assignable to most hardware controllers available. Currently, if I wish to reset a particular slider, I have to leave my controller or keyboard and then navigate to the necessary tools menu and double click the slider that I need to reset. This slows down what could be a much faster process, which could be solved with what I imagine should be a simple action to implement into a software revision?
In short, individual reset commands for each of the common sliders would be a huge time saver. These would include exposure, white balance, tone controls, vignette, etc.
Any news on this addition would be greatly appreciated.
Thank you
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Many times during every editing session.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
As mentioned above, I have to leave my keyboard or controller in order to navigate to the necessary tool window and slider with my mouse. When processing thousands of images over a single job, this time well and truly adds up.
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Yes please.
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