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special offer black friday



  • Permanently deleted user

    I hope that C1 will make us another special offer. is selling the C1 23 Pro license for 174€ until 27.11. That's 14,5€ per month. The standard subscription costs about 14,6€ with the 20% LOYALTY discount. It's a choice between updates or a lifetime license. C1 needs to get its act together here, otherwise I won't even think about getting a subscription.

  • philb187

    Basically i am also not that much into Black Friday offers, but recently there was a 40% off voucher which i forgot to use and thats why i m asking actually...i want a lifetime license. overall i am not that happy with theri new price/product system..


  • philb187

    but i want those nice AI Tools;)


  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    As I cannot rely on getting a fix for a regression defect in v16 (from support: "I see that currently our engineers team cannot prioritize the fix") before the next feature release, thanks to the bad bug fix policy they introduced, I will leave out this year's Black Friday sales and reconsider a purchase in a year from now. Pity that is.

  • Phrank

    philb187 Well, I got the same problem. I’ve missed this 40% voucher, or never got it, luckily now C1 offers also a 50% discount, so I could get Capture One for 149,50$.

    Well I needed to buy a new lens anyway and got now a full version of Capture One Pro included for the same price. I have the feeling this loyality offer doesn't make much sense, if you just wait for Black Friday Week. Even with these special vouchers or dates, the loyality program should offer a even better deal for long term Capture One users.

  • Phrank

    Word. Anyway I'm happy now to have again an upto date perpetual license with all these interesting new features, even if the subscription is cheaper (at Black Friday). I just hate subscriptions.

  • Brian Jordan

    @... Not sure if you're aware but the loyalty discount is meant to be an "off ramp" to the subscription program and stacks year over year for each year you don't use it.  By way of example:

    Year 1 > start subscription

    Year 2 > continue subscription > discount = 20% (at first year anniversary)

    Year 3 > continue subscription > discount = 40% (at second year anniversary)

    Year 4 > continue subscription > discount = 60% (at third year anniversary)

    Year 5 > continue subscription > discount = 80% (at fourth year anniversary)

    Year 6 > continue subscription > discount = 100% (at fifth year anniversary)

    Of course, you can exercise the discount any time you want which resets it to Year 1.  That said, the loyalty discount is meant to address the standing question of "What happens to my photos when I no longer want to continue my subscription?"  You can use the discount to buy into a perpetual license at an ever-reducing cost which will eventually reduce to 0.

    Disclaimer: At least this is my understanding of how the program works and why it's structured the way it is.



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