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Does Capture one have a "Neutralization Tool" like Hasselblad's Phocus software does?



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    There is a magic wand icon in the white balance tool to auto-adjust white balance.

  • CambsCreative

    Walt, that's not the same thing at all. In Phocus you have to click on a grey card in the image, or some other neutral colour. The magic wand tool is not the same at all and it certainly does not neutralise an image.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    The white balance tool also has an eyedropper you can use to click on a neutral color to set white balance.

  • CambsCreative

    I know, but it not the same as the
    Neutralise tool in Phocus from what I can gather.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    How is it different? I may be misunderstanding, never having used Phocus, but from what you describe, you click on a grey card, and it corrects the white balance. The white balance picker can do exactly that in Capture One, if you have an image with a grey card in it.

    Or does the neutralise tool do something else?


    EDIT: having looked at the Phocus User Guide online, out of curiosity, it seems to me that the Neutralization tool does precisely the same as the white balance picker does in Capture One.

    Here's what the Phocus User Guide says

    and here's what the Capture One User Guide says

  • CambsCreative

    Ian, you could be right. From what I have seen it seems that Phocus perhaps does it a different way, but I could be wrong, could be that Phocus just called it 'Neutralise' whereas everybody else calls it 'White Balance dropper tool'. 


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