When Is My Session Saved?
I'm new to Capture One and one thing I find myself constant reaching for is a "Save All" hotkey; I assume there's some sort of auto-save happening but it isn't clear when this happens: do I have to close C1 to commit all my changes, does it happen automatically when I switch images, or is there some sort of auto-save that happens periodically? Is there a difference in behaviour between Sessions and Catalogs?
I do a lot of my edits in the evening and this week I'm working my way through a session 10 or 20 per night. Rather than quitting C1 every night I just leave it open and put my laptop to sleep so I can resume right where I left off the next evening. In the absence of a way to Save All I've grown nervous that maybe my laptop will crash or something like Windows Update will reboot my machine and I'll lose several evenings worth of work.
What's the best-practice here? Quitting C1?
Hot Shoe Hustle Good question. I want to know this myself and will ask one of the devs :)
Edit: Capture One saves every time a new image is navigated to. So as soon as you make an edit, the changes will be “saved” as soon as you navigate away.
I would however expect that the .cos settings file is changed and saved after every adjustment, if you are not navigating away or are only working with a single image.
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Thank you for clarifying!
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Sessions are continually saving. As edits are made the files the contain them are updated on disk. There is no "save" since it is continually saving as you go.
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