Bug with applying styles
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I have an issue that has been going on for a while. Sometimes in appares, sometimes not.
The issu is that when I apply I custom style with layters, then reset it the whole image and apply the same or another style if gives warning about something like maximum layers reached for applying style named "X".
First of all the amount of layers are notmactuallty exceeded. And secondly I am not applying style "X", but style "Y" actually. Whats even more strange is that I do not even have style "X" anymore - I deleted it several days ago.
If I close this pop-up warning everything still seems top function OK, I have the style "Y" applied etc. BUT I hesitant to trust everything is under control. Like did it actually apply the correct style? SHould I inspect all of the settings in layers to make sure it is correct?
You know . .. makes me not trust the software.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
Today, now
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Here is screenshot of the issue. I am applying style Acros+G and get a pop-up warning about a style that no longer even exists in my styles.
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I suggest you create a support ticket, more appropriate for bugs.
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moving to another topic as this is not a feature request
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I agree with BeO. This should be submitted as a support request.
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