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Why I am leaving CaptureOne despite loving it.



  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    This situation is me, a user, paying for my cup of coffee. The server starts pouring it, I hand them my money, and they stop pouring my coffee before even filling the cup half-way. Anybody in that situation would wonder why in the world the server would be doing that.

    I don't find this comparison the same. With Capture one you pay for the specific version of the product and you get exactly the product you paid for.

  • DCT Imagery LLC

    Walter Rowe I disagree. How CaptureOne writes their advertising and release notes yes, that is true, but in practice it's not.

  • DCT Imagery LLC

    @... I may have to reevaluate what I mean when I say that. You bring up a good point. I'm just unhappy with how Capture One is handling perpetual licenses and it feels like I am being bullied into a subscription model. Your point about the bug fixes is something I agree with as well.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Bugs in new releases, not only in the new features but breaking existing features, and they don't fix all of them. This is my biggest issue.

    I would pay for a perpetual software license if all regression bugs are getting fixed for me plus 6 months bug fixing starting with the date of my payment for bugs in the new functionality. Or even better, they reduce the number of new bugs considerably, because a bug fix/feature release with even newer bugs won't help me much. 

    The new license policy and deterioation for perpetual license customers might have been dictated by profit expecations but one thing it is not: It is not customer-centric/friendly. It is a slap in the face. When I started supporting the company (with version 8) to better compete against Adobe I never dreamed of this move in the company's mindset.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    John, if I remember correctly, in one of the threads (in which you also contributed) they indicated that they are discussing an improvement for the bug fixing problem for perpetual license customers but then nothing happened.

  • OddS.

    > DCT Imagery LLC: ... in Europe, you don't get free refills

    It depends on where you choose to buy that cup of coffee.

  • OddS.

    > BeO: ...but then nothing happened

    What did you actually excpect?

  • FirstName LastName

    I'm kind of in the same boat as you. I don't mind paying for software I frequently use and I'm quite happy about Capture One.

    But the perpetual license update system is just not working for me. There's not even a guarantee of getting a 'free' update to your perpetual license, since C1 can just increase the version number and call it a day.

    You buy 16.3.6 today and suddenly C1 bumps its version to 17.0.0. No more bugfixes for you. I don't need/want the new features, I want just the bugfixes for my perpetual license.

    As far as a subscription goes, I'm not against it but the pricing really isn't competitive for my use (amateur, I don't tether etc.). I want a lite version of a subscription where I'm not paying the full subscription fee for features I don't use/want.

    Actually, many customers bought C1 because they didn't want the Adobe subscription. And now C1 is making the Adobe subscription actually better in my case.


  • Nicolas Det

    My biggest issue in CaptureOne right now is not really the licence model, but that the version 16.3 while it introduced a lot of a great stuff, make it also quite buggy...

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Nicolas Det

    It's probably worth tracking down the cause of your problems. I don't think 16.3 is inherently buggy, at least in my experience. Maybe it doesn't play nicely with some aspect of your system?


  • Jack W

    Hi DCT Imagery LLC

    First of all, sorry that you'll be leaving us. It's 100% your choice and I respect you coming on here and sharing your viewpoint – and also for expressing it in a sensible way.

    I'd like to avoid getting into the semantics of perpetual vs subscription. We like to think we don't differentiate ourselves too much from software vendors that provide a timestamp of the software at the time of purchase, it's also worth noting that service packs are included and that we don't necessarily have a "major release" anymore. The idea of the new license model was to allow us to break away from this cycle and "release when ready"

    In any case, we don't want you to feel strong-armed, manipulated, cheated, or ANY of those things. 

    Is there anything we can do to make this sentiment a reality? Or have you made your choice?

    The grass may appear greener, but I want to be sure that we've done all we can to make sure you don't leave with a sour taste. Having said that, I respect your decision and feel free to leave things as they are – you're always welcome back!

  • Jack W

    Nicolas Det That's not what our in-house analytics say. Support would certainly be open to hearing about any bugs or issues you're facing in 16.3

    If you are working in a production environment, then you are always free to roll back to a version that you are more comfortable with here:

  • Nicolas Det

    Hi Jack W,

    Well, unfortunately, it's not my experience but nice to hear it works for others.

    At my place, and since the beta, it does not start most of the time. One colleague has he exact same behaviour.

    Support case, and bug report have already been submitted.



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