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New feature, camera, and lens request portal is now open!



  • Jack W

    Ah right. I can't see myself having the time to edit and change the link in every comment that somebody has left – so I agree an edit comment option would be nice. Quite surprised that facility isn't there.

    There is a "Recent" option in the dropdown menu on the right side on the main portal page :) 

    I'll make a feature request to the provider of our feature request portal about the editing comments thing. Very odd - and how meta!

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Hi Jack W

    I do not want others to see my real name in the new platform. 

    I needed to change my name in my Capture One account and sign in again into the aha platform to remove my real name from my posts and comments. Is this the only way to get rid of my real name in the aha platform? Is there any disadvantage in our relationship if I keep using an alias in my Capture One account?


  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Do I need to browse ALL topics again to subscribe or vote again on everything of my interest?

    Well, at least you get to vote one more time.

  • Denis Huk

    hey all, not all data could be migrated as these are two very different platforms and we did the best we could with what we had.

    votes, subscriptions and comments on aha are not broken, some info was not migrated. so, the number of votes is there, the comments are there, but who voted/subscribed/commented is, unfortunately, not available.

    we hope that the navigation and the general use of the new platform is a much better user experience, so please feel free to scroll through ideas and subscribe to what interests you!

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Looks good! Will links be updated to point to the corresponding requests on the new portal instead of to the old 'Improve Capture One Pro' section?

  • Jack W

    Links from where exactly? If you mean from when you click on the topic, redirects are being setup. For now I’m hoping the pinned and featured posts are enough - plus the inability to post in these topics will be enough.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    In the two comments here, for instance, the links go to the old Improve Capture One Pro section and not to the corresponding requests on the new portal:

    Here, it looks like the links have been converted, but the new links are broken:

    It would be useful to have a 'sort by recent activity' option.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    An edit option for comments would be very useful too.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter


    The "Recent" option is similar to "Sort by newest post" in this forum. There's currently no option to sort by recent activity.

  • Jack W

    The "trending" option should serve the same purpose, in that sense

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I've tried that one, and as far as I can see it's based on some algorithm or other, at least it doesn't sort by the most recent activity.

  • Jack W

    BeO An alias is tied to the Zendesk forum and is not carried over. Currently, the only way to change the way your name appears in Aha is to change it in your Capture One profile.

    SSO means that the only way to affect this is in your Capture One profile.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    I personally prefer to see real names.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Currently, the only way to change the way your name appears in Aha is to change it in your Capture One profile.

    Which I did, after having figured it out by myself. But thanks nevertheless.

    I would have preferred that the company had chosen not to disclose my comments and posts together with my name without my consent. Think about it. Even though some people prefer real names (and there is nothing wrong with that if they decide for themselves), others do prefer a nickname or at least not the full name, otherwise we wouldn't see so many users doing this.


  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    You use their service, you agree to their terms.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    They are domiciled in the EU, they "agree to" / have to comply with the GDPR. . As you are not concerned (as you choose not to bother), why are you even discussing this with me?

    Anyway, I feel a discussion with you about handling of personal data would be fruitless, you seem to have a firm opinion, so do I.

    Btw, the law applies to them concerning the data of their EU customers regardless where they are domiciled.

  • Jack W

    BeO I've added information on how to change your name to the featured posts so that others are aware. Sorry that you had to find this out for yourself.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    No problem Jack W, after all, it was Saturday :-)

    Maybe one thing to add, I believe you need to login to if you want to pass your changed name from the CaptureOne account to

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    An edit option for comments would be very useful too.

    The "Recent" option is similar to "Sort by newest post" in this forum. There's currently no option to sort by recent activity.
    It seems like we already start with two serious regressions on features, that enable discussion and building community support for requests. Do the notifications work? When I look at my own requests, there are buttons "Vote" and "Subscribe" instead of "Voted" and "Subscribed", is this not a bug? Do I need to browse ALL topics again to subscribe or vote again on everything of my interest?
  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Another regression is comment management - I don't know what comments I made, there is no list. I have in my aha profile a supposed list of requests (generally OK), votes (EMPTY), subscriptions (EMPTY) ...and there are no comments. This site starts as being broken so badly, that Zendesk looks like a feature-rich savior.

  • Marcin Mrzygłocki
    Top Commenter

    Thomas Kyhn

    Well, at least you get to vote one more time.

    I would be OK with votes being broken then, but not subscriptions, as they would be a shortlist of what I most likely have voted for before. Oh the fallacies and peculiarities.
  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Thanks Denis and Jack for setting this up. Maybe you all can find a way to more seamlessly integrated it into the Capture One web site.


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