Please leave prior configurartion alone after every software update!
It is frustrating to update all my customizations every time I install a new Capture One update. These refer to items like the quick access icons I have on the tool bar at the top, the specific tools I have added into the different pages and tool groups, etc. I realize that sometimes a new release of the software might change or replace earlier tools. That's OK, we can just deal with the exceptions. But as a norm, please leave all my prior settings and configurations alone, so every time I install a new update, I don't have to waste 10-15 minutes making it optimal for my workflow. Thanks.
You don't have to spend 10-15 minutes optimising it for your workflow. When a new version is installed, Capture One automatically saves your existing workspace for you and you can therefore revert to it in seconds if you want to. See the Window menu, and click on the Backup you want to revert to.
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