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C1 for iPad pro?



  • Benjamin Liddle
    Per the release notes (available here:, Capture One requires either a Windows 7, 10, or a macOS environment. It is not an iOS app.
  • Pavel Derka
    I would say that if Phase One wants to be around in ten years, it had better start thinking differently, embrace change, and start developing for iOs - quickly. Remember what happened to the dinosaurs.
  • paul schefz
    in all fairness, apple has been locking down the port....but going usb-c looks like a sign that this might end?
    the other hint might be the 1TB option....
    either way this new iPad pro looks like a dream tether option....
  • paul schefz
    i also read that tethering to LR is working now.....shooting to camera roll has always worked....the problem was always the issue that images were both in camera roll and LR....with the short cuts app it now is possible to automatically delete from camera roll if it is possible to import into LR, phase should be able to figure something out....even without full access to the usb-c port....
  • Benjamin Kim
    Very interesting.

    In these days, Lightroom CC had been improved dramatically that they can now utilize multicores more than 14 cores and have stable tethering like Capture One Pro. Adobe Photoshop will be available in 2019! As a Capture One technician and assistant, Phase One should improve and add features. Adobe is using a cloud system to transfer and save files no matter where you stay and edit.

    Capture Pilot seems to be a terrible application since a lot of people complained about it. Phase One need to change at this point in order to survive. Capture One for iPad Pro would be great but I doubt it since Phase One does not have any technology or service for a cloud system.

    So please, do something about this.
  • sky_guy
    [quote="Pavel" wrote:
    I would say that if Phase One wants to be around in ten years, it had better start thinking differently, embrace change, and start developing for iOs - quickly. Remember what happened to the dinosaurs.

    I couldn't agree more. Perhaps C1 is working on a mobile iOS solution, but if not, they should start dedicating resources to it now. It takes time to develop a quality product and we've become a mobile society. The need for an iOS version will grow exponentially in the next 3-5 years.
  • paul schefz
    [quote="NN635412303032341950UL" wrote:
    Very interesting.

    In these days, Lightroom CC had been improved dramatically that they can now utilize multicores more than 14 cores and have stable tethering like Capture One Pro. Adobe Photoshop will be available in 2019! As a Capture One technician and assistant, Phase One should improve and add features. Adobe is using a cloud system to transfer and save files no matter where you stay and edit.

    Capture Pilot seems to be a terrible application since a lot of people complained about it. Phase One need to change at this point in order to survive. Capture One for iPad Pro would be great but I doubt it since Phase One does not have any technology or service for a cloud system.

    So please, do something about this.

    the fuji plug in for LR tethering with the 50s is the most stable solution of any kind i have ever used.....i do prefer C1 developing but overall and especially in terms of speed LR and especially CC are in a different league then C1...
    the one big advantage the LR tether solution provides is shooting to internal card as well as computer....instant back up and no issues over which files are where or if any are lost during a hectic session (cord pulled, ....)
  • paul schefz
    iPad pro 2018 benchmarks are out and are close to mbp 2018.....iOs overhead is much smaller so these should be able to handle pretty much everything.....
  • Benjamin Kim
    I just saw Canon EOS R connected to iPad Pro 2018 for tethering today. Canon had their own app to support tethering and it seems great. I know that I doubt that Phase One can make an app for iPad Pro with similar features from session especially organizing files.
  • paul schefz
    [quote="NN635412303032341950UL" wrote:
    I just saw Canon EOS R connected to iPad Pro 2018 for tethering today. Canon had their own app to support tethering and it seems great. I know that I doubt that Phase One can make an app for iPad Pro with similar features from session especially organizing files.

    the problem so far has been apple not allowing access to the port or file system, which made it difficult or not worth it to come up with workarounds....
    adding usb-c seems to be signal that developers can come up with solutions now....
    i don't really expect phase to all of a sudden come up with a full cloud solution but i am not sure why we shouldn't be able to have a capture one iPad tether solution with basic settings....shoot into the iPad, plug it into the main machine later to transfer files along with basic settings....
    there are so many camera apps, so many development apps for iPhone/ipad....C1 should be able to come up with something?
  • NN635287314497873500UL
    Agree. I want C1 that will work on the new iPad Pro as well. When you have performance that can rival desktops or the laptops in a tablet, then there’s no reason not to make it available.

    Even though I much prefer C1 over LR, I will prob have to switch back.
  • Benjamin Kim
    [quote="PSS" wrote:
    [quote="NN635412303032341950UL" wrote:
    I just saw Canon EOS R connected to iPad Pro 2018 for tethering today. Canon had their own app to support tethering and it seems great. I know that I doubt that Phase One can make an app for iPad Pro with similar features from session especially organizing files.

    the problem so far has been apple not allowing access to the port or file system, which made it difficult or not worth it to come up with workarounds....
    adding usb-c seems to be signal that developers can come up with solutions now....
    i don't really expect phase to all of a sudden come up with a full cloud solution but i am not sure why we shouldn't be able to have a capture one iPad tether solution with basic settings....shoot into the iPad, plug it into the main machine later to transfer files along with basic settings....
    there are so many camera apps, so many development apps for iPhone/ipad....C1 should be able to come up with something?

    Adobe is expanding their software to attract a lot of people. Although C1P is better than LR for now, Phase One need to improve their software. The market is changing quite fast like a DSLR to a mirrorless camera. I hope Phase One realize what is going on in these days.
  • Jochen Schmidt
    [quote="NN635412303032341950UL" wrote:
    Capture One for iPad Pro would be great but I doubt it since Phase One does not have any technology or service for a cloud system.

    They don't need to. Adobe made its cloud system before Apple offered CloudKit. Nowadays it is very easy for App-Developers to just use CloudKit.
  • Benjamin Kim
    Today, I saw someone using iPad Pro with A7iii by connecting USB-C cable. He was using Adobe LR CC. So far, you can import RAW files to iPad Pro and then edit them. Tethering is not supported of course. Yet, I see the industry is changing slowly. From Facebook Sony page, I see a lot of people wants Phase One to make a standalone C1P on iPad Pro. I wonder why not?
  • Dave R
    Why? Many of us don't have or want an ithing and would rather phase focused their efforts on their core profucts.
  • SFA
    [quote="David532" wrote:
    Why? Many of us don't have or want an ithing and would rather phase focused their efforts on their core profucts.


    That said if Apple make it possible to port the code easily and the product can be offered alongside "traditional" C1 for those that want it - maybe an Express functionality based version? - if that would prove economically viable via some sort of economic model that was not penalising the non-ithing users (especially Windows users) then if Phase choose to make the product it would be fine by me.

    I'm guessing that shuffling IQ4 150MP files around on a cloud based interface might be a bit of a challenge until 5G is ubiquitously available and large viewing screens would still need to be driven by the editing device ... but maybe that will arrive just as soon as people seem to think it will.

    It could be fun.

    The question is whether those proclaiming they will only play with the latest greatest toys will indeed stay with a product that makes use of them, as promised. The whether those who are not interested decide to walk away if their needs are are no longer supported by new developments.

    Only time will tell how it works out.

  • paul schefz
    [quote="SFA" wrote:
    [quote="David532" wrote:
    Why? Many of us don't have or want an ithing and would rather phase focused their efforts on their core profucts.


    That said if Apple make it possible to port the code easily and the product can be offered alongside "traditional" C1 for those that want it - maybe an Express functionality based version? - if that would prove economically viable via some sort of economic model that was not penalising the non-ithing users (especially Windows users) then if Phase choose to make the product it would be fine by me.

    I'm guessing that shuffling IQ4 150MP files around on a cloud based interface might be a bit of a challenge until 5G is ubiquitously available and large viewing screens would still need to be driven by the editing device ... but maybe that will arrive just as soon as people seem to think it will.

    It could be fun.

    The question is whether those proclaiming they will only play with the latest greatest toys will indeed stay with a product that makes use of them, as promised. The whether those who are not interested decide to walk away if their needs are are no longer supported by new developments.

    Only time will tell how it works out.


    why a cloud based interface? LR CC is not cloud based....the files are seamlessly moved to and from the cloud...mostly when on wifi....
    i am pretty sure that the vast majority of C1 users do not use phase backs....not that raw files from most high end canon, sony, nikon and (Yeah) fuji are so much smaller anyway....
    regardless....the new ipad pro has benchmarks comparable to a 2018 macbook pro...and with iOs running extremely efficient and having an even smaller footprint then mac Os.....even just bringing a full version of C1 to the ipad would probably provide better performance then what most of us are having on laptops right now....
    obviously the C1 interface right now would be far from ideal for a touch screen but it really is a little long in the tooth for desktop....again, as much i prefer C1 raw conversion, LR CC (not classic) shows what a modern interface can accomplish.....and how the experience can be seamless on desktop and iOS....
    i guess the question for phase (or for us users) is how much easier or convenient is it to shoot to ipad compared to laptop...
  • SFA
    [quote="PSS" wrote:
    [quote="SFA" wrote:


    That said if Apple make it possible to port the code easily and the product can be offered alongside "traditional" C1 for those that want it - maybe an Express functionality based version? - if that would prove economically viable via some sort of economic model that was not penalising the non-ithing users (especially Windows users) then if Phase choose to make the product it would be fine by me.

    I'm guessing that shuffling IQ4 150MP files around on a cloud based interface might be a bit of a challenge until 5G is ubiquitously available and large viewing screens would still need to be driven by the editing device ... but maybe that will arrive just as soon as people seem to think it will.

    It could be fun.

    The question is whether those proclaiming they will only play with the latest greatest toys will indeed stay with a product that makes use of them, as promised. The whether those who are not interested decide to walk away if their needs are are no longer supported by new developments.

    Only time will tell how it works out.


    why a cloud based interface? LR CC is not cloud based....the files are seamlessly moved to and from the cloud...mostly when on wifi....
    i am pretty sure that the vast majority of C1 users do not use phase backs....not that raw files from most high end canon, sony, nikon and (Yeah) fuji are so much smaller anyway....
    regardless....the new ipad pro has benchmarks comparable to a 2018 macbook pro...and with iOs running extremely efficient and having an even smaller footprint then mac Os.....even just bringing a full version of C1 to the ipad would probably provide better performance then what most of us are having on laptops right now....
    obviously the C1 interface right now would be far from ideal for a touch screen but it really is a little long in the tooth for desktop....again, as much i prefer C1 raw conversion, LR CC (not classic) shows what a modern interface can accomplish.....and how the experience can be seamless on desktop and iOS....
    i guess the question for phase (or for us users) is how much easier or convenient is it to shoot to ipad compared to laptop...

    My point was about the file transfer aspect of internet usage rather than where the computation takes place - but then both may be affected in some way I guess.

    You got my second point about file sizes. I mention the Phase files as a marker since by the time any development might take place file sizes for many new cameras might well be approaching the same numbers - as you recognised. And of course Phase, as a camera manufacturer, primarily need to provide software to support their own products - which by that time may well have even larger files to store and manipulate.

    Maybe two product lines would required for RAW conversion? Will the camera market still be big enough to justify that given that most people taking photos seems to be extremely satisfied with the output of smartphones for 99% or more of their photographic activity?

    Maybe the logical way forward for Apple would be to persuade everyone that the iPad can take the photos as well - perhaps a 25Mp camera version for Pro photographers so they don't have to mess around carrying camera bodies and lenses and all of that stuff for most of their shoots. For those that need more Apple could introduce the iCamera - a device that uses the iPad as its storage and processing base and caters for specialised lenses to be deployed when needed.

    Maybe it will be bast to wait to see how LR CC performs when it arrives in 2019. And for the widespread availability of 5G - unless Apple also come up with an extended storage option that is affordable and compact so that it reinforces the benefits of the form factor.

    The screen format does have some advantages, especially for those who have Instagram as a requirement for image publishing and sharing.

    It will be interesting to see how thing develop but speaking personally I would not be tempted. In the same way I'm not really tempted to use a Surface. For one thing my eyes, being part of the user interface, continue to favour a larger screen.

  • Jason Patel
    Would love to see the Application available on IOS. Its been asked a few time before and PhaseOne dont seem either interested or transparent if on roadmap.

    Previous advice was to log a support request formally, this way its logged and possibly notice will be taken.

    [quote="ben_US" wrote:
    Please send us a feature request via the link in my profile so we can log the request formally.

  • rollbahn
    Agreed - this is a super obvious next step for Capture One to make. The next wave of people coming through are growing up with mobile and the C1 needs to start now as it takes years to build up a solid app.

    I love C1 on the desktop but I am very tempted by LIghtroom every-time I see the full cloud syncing of files and edits etc between iOS and desktop that make it easy to have your files anywhere. Capture Pilot is like something out of the 90's and is pretty much a waste of time.

    Hopefully C1 for mobile is in the works - fingers crossed.
  • Kaveh Vaghefi
    I too would love to see better iOS/Android on-the-go support. Even being able to capture your RAWs off the camera and do some rudimentary processing or have some workflow to get them into Capture One would be wonderful.

    It would also be a good foot-in-the-door for folks to work primarily off these devices.
  • Mike Escoffery
    Just chiming in here to show my support for Capture One Pro on the iPad.

    I'd also encourage anybody who's interested in this, to follow @JasonP 's advice and write a message to customer support. - ... pport.aspx – You can select Feedback/Future development from the dropdown.

    My personal take on this topic, is that it's only a matter of time before Tablets replace Laptop computers entirely. The windows ecosystem already knows this, which is why their Surface tablets are selling so well. A fully hybrid system. People want to be un-tethered from their desks, but still want the option to seamlessly finish their work on a desktop when necessary.

    I think it's only a matter of time before we see Apple's iOS be on par with Mac OS.
    Adobe has already released a light version of Lightroom for iPad, but soon will release a FULL Version of Photoshop for iPad. Affinity has released Affinity Designer for iPad which is a full vector design suite that rivals both Adobe Illustrator and Photoshop in one.

    @Dave - I can appreciate that you have no interest in using an iPad. This isn't to suggest that Capture One should stop working on their desktop offering. But I'd argue that working on an iPad version IS working on their Core Product. If they don't get an iPad version ready, they could begin to face irrelevancy in the future as more and more users start using tablets for their professional work. In fact, opening Capture One Pro for Tablet, could prove to be a successful revenue stream that would help capture a broader audience, and therefor enable even more resources to be added to the desktop software as well. Also, I can't think of a better use for an iPad than to shoot tethered (maybe even wireless tether one day) in a studio, while holding an iPad instead of a giant iMac.

    I've been eagerly waiting until I can use Professional apps on an iPad and leave my desk behind. The other apps are almost there. I'd hate to leave Capture One behind, but if they don't have an iPad app when I'm ready to go all in on iPad, I will be left with no choice.

    Thanks for reading everybody.
    Keep Shooting.
    - Mike
  • Michal Nowak
    I just bought an iPad Pro. Over last months I've migrated from Photoshop to Affinity (incl. for iPad) and from Lightroom to Capture One. Now I will have to switch back to Adobe Cloud, which I absolutely don't want to do :/

    [quote="Pavel" wrote:
    I would say that if Phase One wants to be around in ten years, it had better start thinking differently, embrace change, and start developing for iOs - quickly. Remember what happened to the dinosaurs.

    🎯 I couldn't say it better. I don't think it's a question of "if", it's a question of "when"â—

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