Hate the new export tool? Let them know here...
I tried to post this earlier but it got deleted, unsurprisingly. I'll try again...
If like many on these forums you don't like the backwards step in the "upgraded" export tools, please join me in letting C1 know publicly on their social media channels.
C1 don't pay any attention to these forums however they'll be more likely to notice if a lot of people call them out publicly.
I'm trying to post the links to thier social media but it keeps getting deleted. I'm sure people can find the pages for themselves.
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Obviously Capture One aren't interested in feedback
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Hi Simon!
I can understand your reaction, but first keep calm. The new version has been out for less that 24 hours and I think the marketing guy will have some bad time on monday. To my mind, they will but it back to a tab while letting the possibility to open a windows.
Also, likely the new export will get back the powerfull token / folder feature.If not.. well, pro will go away..
Let's give them our feedback first, and see how C1 react.
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You're right Nicolas, and it's not so much the new "feature" which most likely will come under pressure for improvement. I'm just so frustrated with many multiple interactions with C1 Support where they do not ever listen to anything I say.
I got a reply back after offering calm sensible feedback on the way this new popup really slows down my workflow and they replied with words to the effect of "here's a tutorial on how to remove panels from the tabs, and here's a tutorial on how to use the new popup". It's really irritating.
Honestly I'd love to have a constructive interaction with C1. I've worked in software development myself so I understand how this sort of thing often goes. But it's their complete contempt and apathy towards loyal paying customers that I just find so frustrating :(
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I fully understand you as I am in the same boat.
Some answer of the support are great some are not. C1 moving off PhaseOne, they are in danger to go off pros as well
We will se..
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Yes it's terrible and they need to realize they are hurting professionals that rely on this software in their daily work.
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I added a post on this same subject without realising that yours was here. Yes, not happy about removing the one press "Process" option. It is now a two step process to export an image! Not only that, but they keep changing the order of the adjstment palettes. It was:
"Library", "Capture", "Color", "Exposure", "Lens" "Details" etc, now it's"Library", "Capture","Lens" "Color", "Exposure", "Details", etc
No sooner I got used to the first one, then they changed it and now thet've changed it again.
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Even if it looks strange for some product managers, but stability and consistency is one of the most important features for software.
Changing orders is just annoying, but my assumtion is that as this may be individualized most people who see this as important have their own order. But if the old menu cannot be restored because the feature was removed - like here with "Export" - it is worse than just annoying.
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