Only company I know that you can upgrade to Version 22 and they give you a Version 20 license that will work on Versioin 22
I got an offer for Capture One to pre-upgrade from an old Ver 12 license to the new version 22 license when it was available last year. I already had 2 licenses for Version 21 that I was using when I pre-upgraded. So their sales staff decided to issue my pre-upgrade to version 20 (I dont know whey the didnt just issue another version 21 but they issued it as a version 20 license untill ver 22).
Now that versoin 22 has been released I cannot find a version 22 in my License Management screen it still show the Ver 20. I got an email telling me to use the license key from ther version 20 license and it would work, and it does work.
So I have asked them multiple times to change my account to show the correct version 22 in my account and they told me that it is impossible that it was issued as a version 20 so I have to live with that.
Now it appears to me that I paid more to upgrade from Ver 12 to Ver 20 than I would have to upgrade from a version 21 to a version 22, and now in the future I assume I will get the shaft when I upgrade to the next ver 23 from the ver 20 (which should be ver 22).
I know somethere down the road I will forget that I have a ver 22 when I look at my account and see a version 20 and version 21 licneses and thnk oh I need a version 22 that I forgot to purchase and they will stick it to me for another version 22 that I already have.
Now I have never seen a company that sells a version 22 and posts it as a version 20 to a persons account; have any of you ever seen a company that refuses to put the real version on a persons account? Is this just some sales people who have come up with a unique way to rip off customers by confusing them in what they have purchased? Is this some new way that this company will start to show license information in poeples accounts that they know is not accurate?
What they are doing is wrong. They sell a ver 22 upgrade and post it as a ver 20 license in your account. They tell me that was because it was a pre-upgrade and ver 22 was not issued yet so they posted it as a ver 20, well there were ver 21 licenses issued at that time so why would they post it as a ver 20 and not a ver 21.
More accurately why wont Capture One now issue a Ver 22 license a remove the Ver 20 license that they originally issued? It appears to be some new technique to confuse their customers, and make the account inaccurate to confuse customers.
Am I the only one they are doing this to or are there more of you out there
Maybe take your tinfoil hat off, and accept that "mistake" is much more likely than "conspiracy theory"?
Is this just some sales people who have come up with a unique way to rip off customers by confusing them in what they have purchased?
Of course not. This is either an error at their end, or - for all we know - an error at your end.
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For Several weeks I have asked them to fix this, after over a half dozen replies all I get from them is that since this was a pre-order upgrade to ver 22 and ver 22 did not exist that they graciously put it on my account as a Ver 20 license that does work with ver 22. And they refuse to change my account to show I have a Ver 22 license since the Ver 20 license works with thier ver 22 product.
The problem is when I go to do the next upgrade I get the shaft and have to pay for upgrade from ver 20 and not from ver 22. If this was just a simple error why do they keep refusing to put the Ver 22 on my account?
So NO this is not an error because they refuse to fix the problem and show my account with the Ver 22 license. NOT RIGHT in anyones book.
Unfortunately I do not have a tin foil hat any more since I sent it to their sales staff since that seems appropriate for them.
You claim that I am getting mad about a "mistake" well all other companies that I know will fix a mistake when they are shown the mistake not just tell me to ignore the mistake because they made the fake license work like a real license. So this is NO MISTAKE.
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