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Color issues when opening DNG



  • Eric

    I think the grey skin tones look lovely… XD

  • Christian Wetzel

    I just upgraded from C1 20 to C1 22 and ran into the same issue with C1 messing up the colors of the imported DNG files from DxO. This never was the case with C1 version 20.

    In addition to the shifted colors also the luminance noise reduction is off, i.e. heavily overdone compared to what came out of DxO. Only after setting both the color slider (as already suggested in this thread) AND the luminance slider to zero the images are exactly as exported from DxO again.

  • FirstName LastName

    good news guys!

  • TonyB

    Thank you for the update.
    I find it beyond remarkable that they cannot debug the application to handle a universally accepted file format. Words fail me! This is such a serious omission. Does anyone from the company ever read these posts?


  • Galexy Photo

    Here from the future to say it is still a problem. Have my own ticket from about a year ago and its clearly being ignored.

    Agree with TonyB that this is a serious omission and a bizarre one to boot. I have several TB of ARWs waiting to be compressed into visually identical DNGs at 1/3-1/4 the size, but the color is still completely broken and off.

  • Annette B

    I have the same problem using DxO with the greens being over saturated and at times the sky is purple when opening in C7 Pro

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

     I can't figure out what C1 is doing to the color space of the DNG that makes it look strange.

    Probably nothing - it doesn't look like a colour space issue to me, more just a default rendering difference.

    Which camera is it? 


  • Annette B

    Hi Keith

    I use a Canon 60D

  • Keith R
    Top Commenter

    I was asking Mike, Annette. I have no idea whether your problem is "the same" - the purple sky issue certainly isn't, usually being a problem with how Capture One is recovering highlight detail.

    And I'm guessing you're not actually using DNG conversions either.

    If you are - which converter are you using?

    You really need to start a separate thread rather than hijack someone else's, when there may well be no relationship between the issues.

    Oh - and troubleshooting image problems is impossible without seeing example images.

    But for clarity, the default "Capture One Look" is one of oversaturation - some of us have been complaining about it for years - and although the default profiles have improved considerably over recent years for newer cameras, old cameras like the 60D are likely still to suffer.

  • FirstName LastName

    It's definitely something capture one is doing because, again, if i open the DNGs anywhere else they look perfect and as expected.  It's only when I bring them to C1 that they have a green cast.  I spent another several hours troubleshooting and discovered that C1 is adding NR on top of the NR that DxO or Topaz implements.

    So if I go to the C1 NR section and pull the 'color' NR slider all the way down to 0 i get the image i expect.  Here it is at the default '50'


    and set to 0:


    There's still something very strange here, because I have CaptureOne installed on my Mac Studio and also my Mac Air M1.   In the Air this color setting in C1 NR does NOT have the negative effect on the image.  All my images that were processed in the past and edited in C1 look fine in the Mac Air M1.  Irregardless of that color setting.   But all those same images if brought into C1 on my Mac Studio look green until I bring that color slider down to 0.

    The only difference I could find is that the Mac Studio has a slightly newer version of C1 ( vs  So i guess it's possible something changed between 15.1 and 15.2 with how they handle NR in the color space.


  • Eric

    @Mike, have you tried converting (no processing) to DNG first in Camera Raw and then importing into CaptureOne? From there, open in PureRAW and then back, maintaining a DNG workflow from start to finish.

  • FirstName LastName

    Hey @eric - same issue

    here's the image opened in Camera Raw


    Here's the image after Camera Raw converted it to DNG

    here's the image (preview in Capture one)


    but here's the image opened in Capture one edit screen


    again i'm sure now it's the Color slider in Capture one Noise Reduction

    If i take that down to 0 the image looks like this:

  • FirstName LastName

    The problem is - i give back too much of the noise reduction that i got from Topaz or DxO.   And again - if i open the DNG ANYWHERE else... Photoshop for example, or even Capture One on my other Mac... the image looks as expected and in Capture One on my other Mac the Noise Reduction / Color slider does NOT cause a green cast if it's above 0

  • Eric

    That’s odd that your other CaptureOne instance works as expected but this one doesn’t. If they are both the same version, maybe copying over the whole CaptureOne folder with all the preferences and settings from the user Library would help.

  • FirstName LastName

    They are both Capture One 22 Pro, but they are NOT the same build version.  The one that is causes the green cast is the latest version;

    the one that doesn't show that issue is


    They definitely have the same preferences and settings as I keep my preferences and settings in Dropbox and then use a symlink to point to that.  To rule out this being an issue, I deleted Capture One (and the symlink) from my Mac Studio and reinstalled it fresh with out of the box settings.  That did not resolve the issue.

    I don't want to update the 15.1 build on my laptop since then I will have no place anymore to work with these DNGs.   But perhaps I can roll back my Mac Studio to 15.1 to 'prove' the issue falls between those builds.  I'll look into that now

  • FirstName LastName

    confirmed the version does NOT have the issue.  Problem is when I try to open sessions that I already opened with i get an error.  


    or i'd simply roll back for now

    Is this community site only? i want to file an official C1 bug

  • Eric

    In that case, rollback sounds like the best option. This is a user forum only, bug reports can be submitted with the link at the top of the page.

  • Laurent COOPER

    I've submited a bug report. In some case, the problem is far worse.

    Here is an example of 3 screenshot :

    DNG previewn in capture one import

    Colors are ok (ok, not the best photo in the world, but that is not the subject). This DNG is made with DXO PureRaw2 from an canon R6 .CR3

    Here is what the photo looks like in C1 after import. Horrifying !

    BUT, if I open this DNG into Apple Preview, into luminar Neo or Affinity Photo, colours are OK. For example below in Affinity Photo

    So, it is clear that capture one has a serious problem with DNG and colors. It was not the case in previous version (but I needed to upgrade for lens support)


  • Laurent COOPER

    Not to speak of sunset with green sky...

  • Laurent COOPER

    I opened the bug on support 17 days ago, sent the CR3 raw files and DNG files, previews, and so on. No news. They did get everything, including screenshot of DXO Pure Raw properties...
    No return at this time.

  • Kassur

    Capture One DNG colors


    DNG files from camera models with native support in Capture One will per default have their native Capture One colors applied. DNG files from camera models that are not natively supported in Capture One will have generic DNG Standard colors applied.

    We do not support adjustments and settings from other applications embedded in DNG files.

    It’s from the release notes. 

    Maybe that’s the reason for your problem?


  • Laurent COOPER

    Not supporting adjustements from applications is one thing. But DNG  is, before all, a STANDARD file format. DXO DNG does not contain ANY image adjustement. Camera can write their adjustement in DNG, but DXO is not a camera and does not write anything. It's meta data, like exif for jpeg.

    Would you accept that JPEG were without colors in Capture One, because they are produced by software not supported ? If the excuse given is "we do not suport exif from third parties, so you jpeg have no colors", it would be quite astonishing...

    DNG is a file format, it's not software dependant. It is clearly a bug.

  • FirstName LastName

    Tech support got back to me with this info:

    I consider this a bug and I've filed a report with all the details for our R&D team to audit the issue. It looks like a regression in 15.1 indeed. I will place your ticket on-hold and will get back to you when we have a response from our engineers or if we need any more information for this report.

    We also cannot guarantee that this bug will be fixed in the next service release, but rest assured that it has been reported and will be looked into and our developers will do their best to roll out a fix as soon as possible.


  • Peter Schäfer

    I have the same problem with the actual version of C1 when I import DNG file from Topaz Denoise AI. With older versions from C1 no problem.

  • FirstName LastName

    as you can see above tech support has acknowledged it as a bug.

    I suggest anyone here having the same issue file bug reports as well.  The more people who report it, the more likely they are to move it up in their backlog of bug fixes.



  • Daniel Kenny

    I've downloaded the new update, but notice no difference at all.

    DNG files produced by DXO PureRAW are still overexposed and have a green tint. DNG's produced by ON1 No Noise AI are massively over-saturated, like the colour depth has been crushed. I can attach examples if required.

    Anyone else notice no differences?

  • Peter Schäfer

    Here the same, no differences when I import DNG generated with Topaz Denoise. What I also detect that lense correction do no work. I think I should begin to look for an other solution for my RAW files....

  • Laurent COOPER

    The new update ( corrected my problem. I now have normal colors !

  • Daniel Kenny

    Interesting, Laurent. What is your workflow and your camera?

  • Laurent COOPER

    EOS R6 raw, DXO Pure Raw 2 with only denoising and lens correction

    BUT, in order for the new version to work correctly, I reprocessed the pictures with DXO and re-imported them. The already imported picture, even if I reprocessed preview, were not OK.


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