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HDR Merge leaving artefacts



  • Propheticus

    For those that paid for 22 (in part) because of HDR and Pano functionality, you'd hope they fix it in an update for 22. Not doing so, but then fixing it in 23 would be a very ugly move.
    To be honest some of the 'features' of 23 to me sound like fixes to bugs in 22...
    I don't buy promises though especially after having seen the quality of 22. Won't pre-order for sure.

  • Tamas Dragon

    You are absolutely right. I truly hope it won't be another issue like the keystone correction was. It took them years to correct that. The HDR functionality is there in many competing software, working correctly. CaptureOne should correct it very soon.

  • MartinR

    I'm just starting out in RAW HDR and did comparison tests of HDR merges in Photoshop 22 & Capture One 22. I shot sequences of 5 shots at -2,-1,0,+1,+2 ev with my tripod-mounted Nikon D700. These were interior architectural shots in a historic church.  PS22 won hands down; all the images in Capture One 22 seemed dull by comparison.  Perhaps I could have tweaked the contrast & vibrance in each image in CO22 but that would mean more editing time & workflow compared to PS22.  My results with PS22 right out of the merge were as good as I could have asked for and better than I expected.

  • Robert Goldstein

    MartinR. If your HDR Merge images are coming out flat in Capture One, then I suggest that you select the automatic adjustment option. In my experience, that yields excellent rendering that can be adjusted to taste. I am certain that Photoshop is doing the same by default. 

  • Albrecht Voss

    I have had the same problem since the introduction of HDR. The pictures are close to unusable, although I capture the brackets on a tripod and base ISO and don't merge more than 3 exposures (0,-2,+2). This leaves me very disappointed, as HDR hast been of the biggest updates within years for C1 and now I can't use it. For me as a fulltime architectural photographer this is a very important topic and I can't see why it is not on C1 priority list. I have multiple shots on every shoot, where I have to merge HDR-Panos and it just does not working reliable. Very disappointing!

  • Yehuda

  • Yehuda

    I'm getting this type of artifact (bottom one is after HDR)

    Are you getting this too?

  • Robert Goldstein

    Yehuda  When HDR Merge was first introduced, I noticed lots of artifacts, but with the latest iteration in C1-23, I see almost none. I wonder how many other users are having the same issue.

  • Yehuda

    Huh that's weird, I'm using the newest version so I don't why it's happening.

    I guess I'll try a direct support request

  • MartinR

    @Albrecht & @Yehuda ... what camera(s) are you using?  Also, check the Camera Profile associated with each source image; they should be identical before doing the HDR merge.

    FWIW, I have never had any problem with artifacts in my HDR images. I use a Nikon D700 and C1-22.

  • Albrecht Voss

    MartinR I use the ProStandard as an import setting for all my Canon R5 images. So this should not be the source of the problem.


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