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Extremely annoying issue with double-applied vignette - support very slow to respond



  • pixmania

    Having the same issue. Thanks for bringing this up.

  • Enric Fradera Calonge

    Same issue :-(

  • Nicole Cutchall

    Same issue. I would love to see a fix for it or some explanation. 

  • pixmania

    Same issue thou not consistent. First I thought I had applied a lens correction style at input - and that was causing it, however I've turned off that input style - still getting on 23 not the CH 21 I use at work also.

    Sony, Nikon, Phase - same issue.


  • Andrea Pavan

    Same issue here, double-vignette correction after opening and close.

    Any news from support?

  • Jarjan Fisher

    So far all I've gotten from support was:

    • First: you are the only one with this issue
    • Latest: after pointing out more people have this issue, again a promise that they will look in to it

    So in reality: nothing... I'm very, very disappointed in the service from Capture One.

    Please all log a ticket with support to raise this issue!

  • Jarjan Fisher

    I logged my bug/ticket on the 9th January. So it's now been over 5 months. I think we need to start making some noise about this where we can to get a fix. I'm afraid they'll try to delay this until after the update window for people that have made an outright purchase, to force people in to a subscription... The subscription business model is only good for the business, not for the customers...

  • mezz

    At the top of this post, there is an arrow to vote up or down. Please vote it up.

    I am a subscriber but for the last several months I have been running into this issue and I do not think it is worth it for me to pay for software that is not working. I am stuck using some other software but still paying for this, I can't do that forever.

  • Andrea Pavan

    I'm subscriber from 2 years, I notice this issue only recently (4 days ago).

    I'm trying to understand what happened, because I notice the problem only in 2 tethered sessions. If I open a new sessione e import some cr3 files, the issue doesn't appear.

    I'm on a Macbook 14 with M1 Pro. Capture 23.16

  • Brian Schutza

    Since CO23 Ive been saving the same issue, this was not happening to me in CO22.


    Its super annoying and so supposed 6 months in to the lifespan of CO23 it hasnt been addressed yet.


    Im on a 2020 imac

  • Sergi Salillas

    Hello Brian Schutza, Andrea Pavan, mezz, Nicole Cutchall, pixmania,Enric Fradera Calonge

    Could you let us know in this comment section which Camera, Lens, File Type, and Lens Correction Profile are you using when experiencing this issue? 

  • pixmania

    Nikon 810 with 14-24 and phase XF iq3 and 120 blue ring

  • Brian Schutza

    Hey Sergi Salillas, 


    I shoot with the Canon r5, use the lens correction tool and I always use the defalt lens profile that matches my lens im using. And I shoot uncompressed Raw (CR3). Ive tried this with CO22 and I have no Issue. In order to fix the problem I must reset tool and then reapply the lens correction and I must do this for each photo and for any event work this can be hundreds of images. 

    RF 15-35 f2.8

    RF 24-105 f4

    EF 24-70 f2.8

    RF 70-200 f2.8

    RF 50 f1.2

    Rf 85 f1.2 (Also this lens dose not have a profile so It would be great if you guys would make one)

    EF Sigma 40 1.4

    Rf 800mm f11

    Rf 100-400 f5.6-8


  • Brian Schutza

    ..... Also this issue occurs both on my 2020 Imac and my 2021 16in Mac book pro (M1 Pro)

  • Sergi Salillas

    Hello Brian SchutzaAndrea PavanmezzNicole Cutchallpixmania,Enric Fradera Calonge

    We are having trouble finding the root of this issue. We want to cover the full scope of file types and lens profiles. Would be much appreciated if you can send a request to Capture One support following the link below. So we can speed up the investigation and we can have a broader resolution.

    Please include in your ticket:

    - Title: "Double Light Fall-off"

    - Screen recording showing this issue happening: How do I make a screen recording?

    - A RAW file packed as EIP: Sharing EIP files  

    - Which Lens and camera and a copy of your Logs: How to retrieve logs?

    Send request too: 

    Thanks again for your collaboration and sorry for the inconvenience.


  • Jarjan Fisher

    I was promised this had been fixed in the latest release, but no, I just upgraded and am still seeing the exact same bug. When I use a custom style with vignette correction, the correction is initially applied correctly. But after a re-start the vignette os over-corrected and the corners look whashed-out. It's "fixed" by un- and the re-applying the custum style, but I have to do that for every imagem each time I re-open capture one.

    Capture One, this makes the use of custom styles with a lens correction unusable. You need to fix this or give me my money back!

  • Jarjan Fisher

    And I was made the same promise again. And again it's not fixed (I'm on Windows). So I'm still stuck with a not-working-as-advertised piece of software that I paid for.

    The latest request from support was that I install the trial version, to test if I'm still expeiencing the issue with the new version. But I may run in to issue with my library and adjustments if I then have to downgrade again - so not in any way an appropriate solution.

  • Sergi Salillas

    Jarjan Fisher 

    Appologies we fixed this issue for Mac users are we weren't aware of this being also a Windows issue. But thanks to your collaboration now it has been reported and hopefully soon will be fixed. Here is a link to the bug tracker so you can follow the process and upvote it if you want: 

  • Jarjan Fisher

    Update from my side: After re-testing it appears that the light-falloff issue IS fixed for WIN in version 16.2.5.

  • Dan Corey

    I am having this issue on my Mac again this morning. Capture One 23, Canon R6 Mark II.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Please submit a support case.


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