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Capture one 23 memory leak ?



  • Official comment
    Jack W

    The 16.2.2 update we released yesterday should fix this issue. You can download it here.

  • FirstName LastName

    Also having the same issue on a 14" M1 MacBook Pro, trying to troubleshoot it to no avail. So far I've tried disabling hardware acceleration, changing the processing engine, actually importing the images, no success with anything. It's definitely the cull/import interface that produces the leak, it's crashed my computer once so far and I'm seeing memory usage rocket up to over 20GB almost instantly when opening the import dialogue, even higher depending on the size of the folder I'm looking at. Makes it pretty unusable, would be nice to see a fix soon.

  • Philippe Matar


    I am not sure if it is related? What I've noticed on my m2 max is that after some time the preview of images becomes slow in random ways, even if it simply means moving from one image to the other with the up or down key... It might take 2-3 second to render the raw file. annoying! 

    Just by pure luck I found out this "tip": I simply select from the library an empty session and then revert back to my catalog: everything becomes much faster, the image preview is almost instantaneous as if it am switching between JPG and not raw files. With "time" after a couple of days of use, C1 becomes slow again and I have to do again the trick... What amazes me more is that restarting C1 does not bring back the same preview performance  


  • Ilyes Bouzid

    Thanks Philippe for the workaround I ll give it a try.... but ideally it would be nice if this is fixed to avoid frustration when using this tool. 

    I imagine the main use for this when designed was that one would cull from an SD card before importing to a catalog so no previews are available. But in the case of my workflow, I don t like throwing out photos on import, I do import and back up everything and then I do the culling later on. So in this case, previews should exist for all images and it would be easy if the developers have a different behaviour based on wether the images are already in catalog or not, if yes then it would load on previews, and use these for culling, this would be much faster and less heavy on memory resources, another goodie in addition would be that you could cull on offline images (typically I do generate big enough previews and can use these at 100% for culling...)

    Hope someone would pick up on this and hopefully this possible bug fixed in a coming version....


    Macbook Air user here (M1, 16Gig). I am experiencing the same problem after the last update. This doesn't even require huge catalogs - I mostly work with sessions, creating one for each headshot portrait session per client. Memory consumption climbs up to well over 40 Gigs and I am forced to close the application (while high paying client sitss next to me). This doesn't happen once, it happens a lot of times! QA really needs to look into this.

  • David Kalmbach

    I am having the same issue with an M1 Max MacBook Pro with 64GB Ram running the latest version of Ventura. It’s never happened till now. Maddening when it keeps happening in front of my clients.

  • Andrea Thode

    Same here. Memory leak whilst shooting tethered in the studio. Memory runs overboard on C1 23 on a M1 Max MBP 2022 16“ fully loaded.

    Need advise please, it never happened before!

    Needs fix ASAP!

  • David Green

    +1 on this issue. Shooting tethered on Fully spec'd M1 MacBook Pro consistently fills memory fairly quickly causing an out of memory crash or makes you restart. Current workaround is trying to remember to keep tabs on memory and shut down / restart C1 before it gets to the critical failure point. This will flush the memory that it was using. Although that can be tough to remember when you're working on a busy shoot and really not a great look with clients!

    Using latest C1 & MacOS version.

  • David Kalmbach

    Yes. Still happening. Had to force quit and restart probably 6-7 times this past weekend during a 5hr tethered shoot. Have to shoot a few hundred people tomorrow for a major airline and not looking forward to having the same issues.

  • David Mantripp

    I'm having the same issue with C1 23.1 on Intel Mac Pro, Monterey 12.5.1.  Not using culling tool. Seems to be associated with preview building....

  • FirstName LastName

    What file type are people encountering this issue with the most? I have found that for whatever reason both JPG and DNG files from my Ricoh GR IIIx really aggravate the issue, CR2 and RAF not nearly as much. Knock on wood but I haven't been able to reproduce the issue ever since I went into image settings and turned all filetype editing off and on again. I'm on a base model 14" M1 MacBook Pro.

    When I submitted a ticket, C1 support told me to update to the latest version which I had to do by redownloading because for some reason mine wouldn't fetch the update itself. I'm currently using Build and not encountering the problem any more. If doing what I attempted doesn't fix your problem, please be sure to submit a support ticket, I don't think the programmers keep up with the forums and they can't fix what they're unaware of.

  • Scott Heldorf

    +1 to this issue here

    I have a 14" Macbook Pro, and while it only has 16GB of memory I have never had this issue until now and every session has always run smoothly.

    I always use new sessions for every shoot, and within half an hour of shooting the memory usage skyrockets so that I eventually have to close and reopen C1.

  • Andrew Mitchell

    Posted this in another post but thought I would add here to try and help people out:

    I've found a fix for this memory leak issue for those that are experiencing it. My memory usage was jumping by anywhere from 250MB to 1 GB with every tethered capture. I tried updating CO from 16.1.1 to 16.2.1 but was the exact same problem. I then did a complete uninstall of CO by following their instructions:      

    Then reinstalled 16.2.1 and all seems good! Although I am worried that it will come back but for now able to work again with CO. I recommend others with this problem to try the same. 


  • Joshua Martin


    Here are some memory usage snap shots. In the 1st image we see  22 ver maintains an active foot print of 24gb and never builds compressed memory.

    The next slide shows 23 ver starting off in a similar way but as time goes on / tethered captures come in / it starts to build up compressed memory usage. This would build to around 75% and would eventually take all available memory causing an OS error message or a crash of the app and or CPU. 

    The last slide was taken after the MBP crashed, it shows the final usage spike that triggered the event. 

    Quitting and restarting the app would clear the compressed memory usage but thats not really a solve for me.

    So for now Im running 22 for Tether and 23 for edit.


    I reactivated 22 in the hotel last night and it’s been running smoothly / perfectly all day no compressed memory usage shows up in the activity monitor and active memory never exceeds 50%. I’ll still jump back into 23 to do culling and the smart adjustments feature but for tethering I’m going to put it on the sideline until they update and address the memory leak issue.


    Problema de memoria cheia depois de um tempo ao utilizar o C1 23, sabado tive que riniciar ele 3 vezis na frente do cliente .. constringidor sendo que tinha tuda a equipe acompanhando a campanha, 

    Alguem sabe de uma solucao possivel ?, eu acabei de reativar o 22 devido ao medo de acontecer novamente na frente de clientes 

  • David Green

    I can confirm that uninstalling the program fully via Phase One's directions that Andrew Mitchell linked to above and re-installing has also fixed this issue for me as well. If you have this issue still, definitely give this a go!

  • Andrew Mitchell

    Hello David Green. The uninstall/reinstall did work for me, but only for a limited time. I got through five days of shooting no problem but then on the sixth day the memory leak problem started up again. I limped through the last two days of shooting by restarting CO every chance I got. Luckily it was a still life shoot not people. Now that the job is done I’m going to go back to CO 22 as people have reported that working. I have a job Thursday and Friday so fingers crossed that works for me and for the long term until they get this figured out.  

  • David Green

    Thanks for the update Andrew. That is a bummer. Hopefully they manage to fix whatever is going on here soon!

  • Ian Logan

    I have this issue on both my laptops, fully loaded M1 and M2, shooting lifestyle tethered and missing shots taken by the photographer because of no memory left, can they please fix this???

    This is specifically and tether program, doesn't work anymore




  • Paul Schaefer

    Same Issue. Memory is running constantly full on a 16inch using on Ventura 13.3 M2, 96GB, 38Core, C1


    Any help, really urgent issue.



  • Joshua Martin


    1 restart between shots
    2 clean, install of 23 and pray
    3 pivot to 22 and it works every time


    I have the problem when culling from a card to the computer.  M1 MacBook Pro.  Run out of application memory.  For a large shoot, I will have spent a lot of time culling and am not done when the memory occurs. So, significant time lost.  If I try to punt by having it import what I have worked so far, it crawls to import even a single image (I assume because there is no working memory) so I have to give up.  It is a shame because I really like the capture one import and culling process.  I am increasingly using Bridge and Adobe Camera Raw.

  • FirstName LastName

    C1 23 BUILD

    MacBook Pro M1 (latest update)

    Tethered shoot yesterday. C1  'out of memory' after about 20+ images transferred.

    Rebooted, repeated numerous times. result as above every time.

    As it was a group shoot I had to stop tethering gas wasting time trying to fathom out root cause.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Same issue here. Out of memory while shooting tethered on latest C1 23. Reducing preview sizes to the smallest one didn't solve it. M1 Max 32GB. Restarting C1 temporarily solves the issue.

  • Ilyes Bouzid


    Just read the release notes of the latest version 16.2.2 relased now

    It seems to include this for mac:

    “Fixed an issue that was causing excessive memory consumption during tethering and culling”!!!!

    I m crossing fingers I ll do a clean install and test it, please give it a try and let us know if you see any improvements !!!

  • Marcin Klaban

    Well. It’s 2024. I’m using and never had this issue before. Until now. Help? 🫣


    Edit. Testing this version. Looks legit for now. 

    I can confirm. The previous version had this issue. The latest works fine. 


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