If you own any Capture One version prior to 16.3, you can install it on your supported device by downloading the installer from "Download" section under your account:
Please, consult Capture One system requirements and OS support to confirm your current set-up is compatible with Capture One version you own.
Make sure you do not use the blue button next to the account icon, which will automatically download the latest available version and launch it in trial mode:
Just in case you ended up with a trial, see how you can change the software mode here.
Once you are on the right page, you are immediately presented with the installer for the latest version:
Scroll down until you find the version you are interested in:
And simply download it choosing Windows or Mac version.
If you are not sure what max version your license can unlock, this guide will help you to figure that out – How do I know which version I am eligible for?
Page should note that you must go to your account on the sales site, not the support site (where you might expect it).
THANK YOU! Everything about Capture One is convoluted and toilsome. Even downloading my own purchases from the past.
how can i simply download 16.3.8? its like a maze of confusion
Found it thanks to Bill.. geez
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