What does Hardware Acceleration do and how do I use it in Capture One?
Optimal speed through Hardware Acceleration /GPU
Hardware Acceleration is provided in Capture One through two different technologies:
OpenCL is short for Open Compute Language - an open standard defining how to interface and utilize many processing cores with graphics cards (GPU), multiprocessor CPUs and RAM. Four major companies have developed drivers for OpenCL: NVidia, AMD, Intel, Apple. For macOS these drivers are part of the operating system, while those have to be installed manually when working on Windows.
Metal (Apple M1 machines only)
Metal is a low-level, low-overhead hardware-accelerated 3D graphic and compute shader API created by Apple and is available on macOS only as part of the operating system.
The driver itself performs the runtime compilation dedicated to the graphics card in the machine at hand. Only relatively new graphics cards are powerful enough to be utilized effectively.
Hardware acceleration will dedicate memory to several actions in Capture One:
• Preview Update with different settings, styles, etc.: RAM
• Sorting/Rating: CPU cores and SSD speed
• Fit Image to Screen: GPU cores
• Process time: GPU processing units and CPU's and RAM
How to enable Hardware acceleration and what to expect from it
In Capture One 10 and later versions, the Hardware Acceleration option is set to Auto by default. In Capture One 9.3 and earlier versions, the Hardware Acceleration option is disabled by default so that you have to turn the preferences to Auto to start testing your hardware for compatibility. You can expect much faster file processing and overall performance improvement with the suggested hardware.
Windows driver requirements
• For AMD/ATI graphics: AMD Stream 2.2, Catalyst 12.10 or later versions, Download here and choose AMD Catalyst™ Accelerated Parallel Processing (APP) Technology Edition.
• For Nvidia graphics: NVidia Display driver 306.97 or later version. Download here
In case there are issues when using Hardware acceleration
- In the System Preferences -> Energy Saver, disable Automatic Graphics Switching.
- Clear the ImageCore cache by deleting the folder (then restart Capture One). For macOS users, navigate to Hard Drive -> Users -> Shared -> Capture One -> ImageCore (version 12.1.5 and earlier) or Library -> Application Support -> Capture One -> ImageCore (version 20.0.0 and later) and delete it. For Windows users, go to C:\Users\User_Name\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\ImageCore (version 20.0.0 and later) or C:\Users\ProgramData\PhaseOne\CaptureOne\ImageCore (version 12.1.5 and earlier).
- If problems still occur, navigate to the Preferences -> General -> Hardware Acceleration (Use OpenCL for) and set the Display and Processing options to Never.
Disable OpenCL in Capture One in case of a crash at startup
- Windows: Run the script DONOT_useopencl.reg and restart Capture One (the download also contains a restore script to re-enable OpenCL useopencl.reg) Download here.
- MacOS: Download and run this application, disable OpenCL, and restart Capture One.
OpenCL hardware support for Capture One
In general, any GPU that supports OpenCL 1.2 or later versions and has a minimum of 1GB of dedicated RAM will be utilized. However, we recommend having at least 2GB of RAM for intensive processes such as working with large files and using local adjustments. When it comes to high-DPI display such as 4/5K iMacs or any other high-resolution displays, we recommend having a minimum of 4GB of dedicated RAM.
Which Graphics Card (GPU) should I buy?
We often get asked which graphics card makes Capture One perform at its fastest. Obviously, newer and faster cards are constantly being released, so it's difficult to recommend a certain brand associated with GPUs. When you are going to get a GPU, we recommend paying attention to such characteristics as the number of Stream Processors (AMD) and the number of CUDA Cores (Nvidia). The higher the value, the more processors are available, giving you a faster experience in Capture One.
How many GPUs can I use with Capture One?
AMD Crossfire and Nvidia SLI setups are supported.
Using MacOS 10.13.6 on MBP 2012 i7 13 Zoll, since CaptureOne Pro 20.1 ( GPU acceleration does not work anymore.
I applied this guide but did not help.. Any fix ?
Export is a lot of slower using CPU.. Display slower too.
I recommend to deactivate this option on computers with onboard graphics.
On my computer (Intel core i5 9500, Intel UHD630, CaptureOne 20 / this option is active by default, it works without problems (jpeg export: 100% GPU Load, 40% CPU load), but slows down the process - CPU only performance is almost twice faster.
Maybe a future update can provide some kind of Auto / Never / Best performance setting
On my system, the GPU is about as fast as the CPU. So I do prefer to use the GPU as it freed the CPU to achieve other tasks.
Hi Capture One,
I have a quite recent professional grade graphics card (Radeon Pro W5500) with a decent CPU (AMD Ryzen 3700X). Installation of Capture One is flawless as well as initialization of hardware acceleration. Preferences indicate hardware acceleration is being used. Also the recommended check using the Focus Mask confirms everything is fine.
But when making adjustments by dragging a slider I get strange artefacts (looks like clipping of colors). I already tried the suggested approaches like clearing ImageCore folder, but without success.
Any help is appreciated.
Dear Lily, I'm using CaptureOne and NVIDIA GTX 1660Ti but during editing or when I save and process the image, CaptureOne uses only the integrated Intel GPU.
In the NVIDIA control panel I've forced the use of the NVIDIA GPU for the APP CaptureOne, but still the system uses only the Intel GPU. Currently I'm using Windows 10 ver 2004 build 19041.508
I've already tried to rebuild the kernel delating the ImageCore but without any sucess. However in the log file of captureone I've found this error:
2020-10-20 01:11:03.094> (ERROR) bin file failed parse [C:\Users\Archimede\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\ImageCore\\ICOCL.bin] (verificationCode=2)
2020-10-20 01:11:03.094> (ERROR) bin file failed parse [C:\Users\Archimede\AppData\Local\CaptureOne\ImageCore\\ICOCL1.bin] (verificationCode=2)
And for some reason the Intel GPU is the device zero, instead of NVIDIA:
Found 1 OpenCL devices on platform 0 (Intel(R) OpenCL)
Found 1 OpenCL devices on platform 1 (NVIDIA CUDA)
OpenCL Device 0 : Intel(R) UHD Graphics 630
OpenCL Device 1 : GeForce GTX 1660 Ti
Please help me to have a good performance when using captureone.
Thank you for the details provided.
I see that you have also submitted a similar request, so please follow the troubleshooting steps provided by the Support Team.
Also, it would be helpful if you send logs in the request #58882.
Unfortunately, after the last update from version 14.1 to version 14.1.1, there are bugs. Every time I start Capture One Pro 21, the hardware acceleration turns on. The problem does not occur when I revert to v14.1. I checked several times.
I mean hardware acceleration keeps turning on and continues until the coin is 42%. Then there is "silence". The problem reappears the next time you start it up. And so every time.
Welcome back.
I think I've found a solution. Maybe it will help. Namely, I uninstalled Capture One and cleaned up the registry. I have reinstalled the "clean" version of the program. I turned off the acceleration: display - never, processing - never. I started Capture One, waited for the background acceleration to complete successfully. I restarted COP and turned on display - auto and processing - auto. So far it works.
Hi, HW acceleration does not work for me (Nvidia RTX 2070 super, latest driver, 471.11, AMD 3900x CPU), I found in the log imgcoreocl.log the following message: "OpenCL : Kernel compilation previously failed. OpenCL disabled". Can you please let me know what the issue could be? Thanks!
@Laszlo, I have this problem myself. I rolled back to the previous Nvidia drivers (466.77 I believe) and the hadrware accelleration problem went away. I tried the "hot fix" driver, version 471.22 and it did not resolve the issue, so I am stuck on 466.77 for the foreseable future.
Gigabyte Aorus X570 Elite, AMD 5900x, Palit Nvidia 3070...
Thanks, Paulo! I also contacted support and got the same answer. I rolled back the driver and now runs OK.
I am happy you managed to resolve your problem. Hopefully this isn't an issue going forward, as generally it's considered a good thing to keep ones drivers up-to-date...
I have tested and confirmed with two different computers (Mac and PC with 14.1), and it seems as though Hardware Acceleration does not work when processing an image with an LCC plate.
Is there a reason for this? Or is it some kind of error in processing?
I hope my post can help some of you !
I had a problem with hardware acceleration under windows 10 64bits and my nvidia gtx 660ti card
the problem was solved by uninstalling the default driver from microsoft and I used the one from nvidia "353.62-desktop-win10-64bit".
Since, everything has been working fine. this driver seems to work with geforce 400 ; 500 ; 600 ; 700 ; 900 and titan series cards.
j'utilise Capture one sous Windows 11 Sur carte mère Asus ProArt X670E un GPU NVIDIA RTX 4090. Je n'arrive pas à activer l'accélération matérielle.
J'utilise le pilote NVIDIA 526.98 qui est la dernière version.
Avez-vous une solution ?
Je viens de faire la mise à jour du pilote NVIDIA Studio en 527. Toujours les même problème.
Sincèrement je ne comprends pas car j'ai suivi l'ensemble des étapes proposées et rien y fait. Cela ne fonctionne pas.
Salut Julien,
ici, cela ne marche pas pour HDR/Pano. Je pense qu'ils doivent encore "bosser" dessus..
Mais que veux tu dire par "activer". Est-ce que tu as un message d'erreur ? Est-ce que tu ne peux pas mettre "auto" dans la configuration ?
Merci pour votre réponse.
je peu mettre l'ensemble des paramètre en auto.
J'ai un message en dessous des deux champs de sélection "auto" qui me dit : "l'accélération matérielle ne fonctionne pas." sous forme de lien.
Moi je m'en suis aperçu car les exports sont 2X plus long que sur mon MAC Pro 2019 pour le même travail.
j'espère que cela va fonctionner rapidement.
Oui. Envoie en message à leur "support", en anglais.
J'ai un soucis sur mon Mac avec C1, et ils essayent de réparer cela.
I have a MacBook Pro 2018 which have metal support. It has a Radeon 560X graphics card. Did the focus mask test and it fails. Mask stays after adjusting exposure.
Why is hardware acceleration not working with my computer?
BR Olof
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