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Capture One cannot be activated as the license code could not be verified by server



  • Michal Siemczyk

    This instructions didn't work...

    "CAPTURE" this:

    - Open hosts file in: C:\Windows\System32\drivers\etc
    - With some notepad and if you have "", just delete this file.
    - Now open capture and it should see your profile now

  • Lily

    Hi Michal,

    Thank you for the comment.

    In case you have the license key for Capture One Express, then please note that this key can be used to activate the software only on 1 computer. If you have previously used it to activate Capture One on another computer, please deactivate it there first and then activate on the current computer.

  • Michael Wendt

    I bought a licence for CO 21 which is not on market. So its totally unlogical that now my CO 20 licence is not working any longer. I suggest you install a logical system in your licence business. This is annoying and frustrating. So make my licence working again, sometimes I do not understand how this company is leaded

  • Lily

    Hi Michael.

    You can use this new license instead of the old one. It will activate your current version of the software.

  • Michael Wendt

    Sorry, all other software suppliers are relating a new licence code to a new version, thats the etablished guide in industries. CO forced me to relicence my current software also I do not have any changes to this software, isn't this stupid??? Think about user friendly behavior.

    The software is good but not as good that we cannot change. The offered advantages for CO 21 are minimal as far as I can see it at this time, so keep care not loosing your customers but I learned you are not interested on them.


    So you will offer HEIC, whats about webp, oh yes its to profane for your company. Lady, this all gives me a real bad feeling about your company.

  • Scott Anthony

    Need to be editing but CO will not open. I get a msg "Your subscription has not been verified in the last 30 days. You need to go online now to contunue using Capture One." What gives? I've signed in to my account and everything is correct and current. This is really annoying.

  • Scott Anthony

    I've redownloaded and reinstalled at it's not allowing me to activate. When trying to activate it says my license is active and valid but pops up a red run diagnostics box and says Unable to connect to server to lookup profile. Please Help!!


  • Lily

    Hi Scott,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Please, make sure that the monthly payment is charged according to your subscription plan.

    I see that the next charge is scheduled for November 3.

    After that, everything should be working fine.

  • Ionut Popescu

    Hi Lily,


    I have had same problem as Scott, I have dezactivate my license and when I try to reactivate I receive the folowing message:

    What to do?

    Thank you!

  • Julie Hood

    Same problem at Ionut Popescu.  I've even uninstalled and reinstalled to try everything.


  • Lily

    Hi Ionut,

    Thank you for the comment.

    I suppose you run Windows 7, so this kind of issue with creating SSL/TLS secure channel is there. As our security system uses TSL 1.2 protocol (which is not enabled by default on Windows 7), I would like to ask you to proceed with the instructions listed in this article

    Afterwards, you should be able to activate Capture One.


  • Lily

    Hi Julie,

    Thank you for your comment.

    Please proceed with the instructions listed in this article to enable the TSL 1.2 protocol on Windows 7:

  • paul Valerio

    Was This article helpful?



    Do the instructions help????

    They're not even instructions.... All they do is confirm that a problem exists and offer no content how to remedy it!!

  • Johan Rundberg

    Hi! I have purchased the upgrade for C1 21 and I have received the new license key. When I try off line activation for my licensed copy of version 20 I receive the message that activation failed because the server could not verify my license (or something of this sort). I am on a Mac  Pro 2013 running the latest software (now Big Sur).

    I have done everything that I can possibly think of, including what is said above and including deactivation of my copy, un-installing my copy of C1 20 and going through the settings in my firewall and my router. Nothing solves the problem (incidentally, when un-installing the preferences for c1 there appears to be a slight error in your instruction, it says

    "defaults delete com.captureone.captureone13" but I believe it should read

    "defaults delete com.phaseone.captureone13"). 

    When I instead try online activation my password is not accepted. Ok, so I allow C1 to send my password to my email but I receive nothing. And I have looked in every corner including trash and spam. 

    Something is seriously strange here. Any advice of what to do now is greatly appreciated!

  • Lily


    Thank you for the comment.

    Are you using the new key (for Capture One 21) received upon upgrade to activate Capture One 20?

    When you upgraded, your old key for Capture One 20 was automatically deactivated and replaced by the new key which you can now use to activate Capture One 20 and also later it will activate Capture One 21.

  • Johan Rundberg

    Yes, as i wrote above, I have purchased the upgrade and I am using the new license key.

  • Johan Rundberg

    Update: I now changed my password for my account not from the interface of C1 but directly from your web. This time I received a re set-link to my email and successfully changed pass. On-line activation now worked. Problem solved, my copy of C1 version 20 is up and running again.

  • Permanently deleted user

    I'm running on Mac OS 10.15.7 and the solution seemed to be to first deactivate my old key, quit the application then restart with the new key.  Not that complicated, but would be nice if someone from the company had written it out.

  • Stanisa Martinovic


  • Chris Vermaak

    when trying to register Capt.21, receive invalid code message.  the code is used exactly as supplied by you.


  • Permanently deleted user

    Hi Lily,

    Yesterday I bought Capture one 21 PRO from the company "Leistenschneider" in Berlin, registered on your website, downloaded the program and wanted to activate my license. When entering (option "manual activation") the scratched code, the message "Valid license code for Capture One Pro" appears - so far everything is okay. Then I copied the registration key and pasted it into the field provided by Capture One in the browser on the activation page (of course I'm already logged in with my email). Unfortunately, the message "Oops, this registration key is invalid. Please try again or contact our support team." I have a new Lenovo with Windows 10. I also tested it with the trial version - that is, with the license code of the free version. But unfortunately also exactly the mistake. Last but not least, I chose the "online activation" option - using the barcode and externally via my mobile phone. But here too the error message comes.
    Unfortunately, I'm really frustrated because I didn't expect something like this for € 320.00 :(
    And no, I have never registered / activated a version of your software - neither free nor purchased - with you. And yes, I copied the code correctly and even entered it manually. In total, I read and tested it for over 6 hours. But in the end it was always the mistake:

    Oops, this registration key is invalid. Please try again or contact our support team.

    Please provide a quick solution!

    PS. It doesn't work on my husband's computer either; (

    Kind regards

  • yves caminita

    Registration issue with Network error 0n co20 and windows 7...please assist


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