Capture One enables you to simultaneously apply certain commands to the selected images. This is ideal when you have captured a sequence of images and want either some basic commands to be applied at a time or restore images to the default settings. Also, Capture One allows copying adjustments from one image and applying them to several others at the same time.
Making adjustments that affect several images simultaneously
1. Make sure that the Multiple-view icon is enabled in the Viewer.
2. Select the images in the Browser. Please note that the maximum amount of images that can be displayed in the Viewer is 12. Thus, it is recommended to select 12 or fewer images in the Browser at a time.
You may select the images in the Browser in one of the ways:
- To make a selection of images, click on the first variant in the series that you want to select, then press the Shift key and click on the last image variant in the series.
- To select individual images, click on the relevant variant in the series that you want to select and press Cmd/Ctrl (macOS/Windows). Repeat this action to add images.
3. In the main toolbar, press the Edit Selected variants icon (). It will be orange-colored when enabled. Alternatively, select Image -> Edit All Selected Variants from the main menu.
4. Note that there are certain types of adjustments that can be applied to all of the images simultaneously.
Option 1. When using sliders directly, the adjustments made in the tools mentioned below would be applied to all the selected variants. Actions made in any other tool will affect only the primary variant which has a thick white border.
- Overlay
- Crop
- Rotation and Flip
- Keystone
- Grid
- Styles and Presets
Option 2. When using shortcuts available for Speed Edit, all the selected variants will be adjusted accordingly.
5. All of the images will be updated in the Viewer.
Copying adjustments from one image to others
1. Proceed with steps 1- 3 mentioned above.
2. Make sure that the variant you want to copy adjustments from has a white thick border.
3. For copying adjustments from one particular tool, click on the local Copy and Apply icon of the particular tool. Then select the adjustments you would like to copy to other images and click Apply.
If you want to apply various adjustments from one image to others, go to the Adjustments Clipboard in the Adjustments tool tab. Select the adjustments made in which tools should be copied. Click Apply.
4. All of the images will be updated in the Viewer.
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