To edit a keyword in the Keyword Library, right-click on the keyword and choose Rename…
To add a child keyword (hierarchical) to an existing term, right-click on the keyword and choose Create Keyword Child.
To delete a keyword from the library including any images that they are applied to, right-click on the keyword and choose the Delete Selected Keywords… option.
To delete multiple keywords from a Keyword Library (including any images that they are applied to), hold the Shift key when making a sequential selection or hold the Cmd (Mac) / Ctrl (Windows) key for an arbitrary selection, then right-click and choose the Delete Selected Keywords… option.
Notes about editing Document and Keyword Libraries
- Editing a keyword in the document Keyword Library will update the images in the document with those keywords.
- Editing keywords in Shared Keyword Libraries will not update their respective images.
- Session users: Editing or deleting keywords in the Session Keyword Library will only update those keywords applied to images in directories that are a part of the Session. These are Favorites or the Session folders (Capture, Output, Selects, Trash).
<< Adding keywords to a keyword library | Managing keyword libraries >>