The Batch Queue tool is re-introduced as an Export Queue in Capture One 21 (14.4.0).
You can add this tool individually to any Tool Tab or drag it out as floating tools, allowing a fully flexible workspace.
To add this tool, you need to right-click the Tool Tab bar and select Add Tool > Export Queue.
If you added Export Tool Tab manually then the Export Queue will already be present in the tools list.
To edit the Export Queue, proceed with the following steps:
- Go to the Exporter.
- Choose the Export Queue tab.
- A batch of files can be changed and reordered. Simply drag and drop files to the desired order during processing.
- Highlight a file(s) and press backspace (on your keyboard) to remove it from the Export Queue at any time.
- Press the Stop or Start button (at the bottom of the Export Queue tool) to stop or restart the queue at any time.
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