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The Library tool



  • T Moore

    Why does my library tool toggle only show one of my sessionss? I have created 2 sessions (2020, 2021), but the toggle at the top of the library pane only shows one session and the option to "clear menu." I would expect the toggle at the top would show both sessions and allow me to navigate between the two.

  • Lily


    If you clicked on 'Clear menu' before, there will be only the current item in the menu.

    Open the other Session from the main menu File -> Open and navigate to the .cosessiondb file.

  • Rodney Adam

    The entire left-sided display (with library, adjustments, etc) abruptly disappeared while the program was open and I haven't been able to figure out how to bring back the display. That has made the program totally unusable.

  • Mark Nockleby

    I've just installed Capture One (windows 10) and I don't see "System Folders" in the Library tool tab. How do I add that to the Library tool tab?


    okay, got it.  Creating an new session did the trick (instead of opening a new session)


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