You can edit the primary variant from a selection of multiple images while observing the adjustments against the other selected variants in the viewer (only the primary variant is affected when making adjustments – use copy and apply to apply adjustments to multiple variants)
N.B. The size of the images displayed is dependent upon the screen size and the number of selected images (up to 11 images can be shown in the viewer at any one time).
The following instructions assume multiple image variants are already selected.
- Navigate to the image in the selection/group.
- In the main menu, deselect Image -> Edit All Selected Variants or click on the multiple thumbnail icon in the Toolbar to deactivate it (grey-colored).
- The Primary Variant is ready to be edited.
If you want to edit all selected variants you should select Image -> Edit All Selected Variants.
Alternatively, navigate to the upper-right corner and click on the icon as shown below (the icon is orange when enabled).
NOTE: When the feature Edit All Selected Variants is enabled, the styles, presets, rating, color tags, and other copied adjustments are applied to the batches of images. If you need to change this behavior and apply changes only to certain images, you should disable the Edit All Selected Variants option.
<< Selecting and deselecting the primary variant | Selecting images >>
I find the following a bit confusing — when I'm exporting multiple images, Capture One displays the following message:
I have done individual edits to each image; now I'm only exporting them — does the software still treat each image as independent file with individual edits (exposure, color, etc.)?
The thing is, every image item (represented by a thumbnail) in the "browser" or filmstrip is a "variant", whether they are versions from one image file or the only version from different image files. If you select more than one variant, some tools and functions apply to all selected variants if (and only if) you have this mode enabled.
These are
export, delete/remove, 'apply' adjustments from adjustment clipboard, rating, color tag, styles, auto-adjust, rotate (from the menu, not the rotate tool from the toolbar) and not to forget the keywording tool.
Not so with image editing tools like exposure, color editor etc. and IPTC metadata (but tool presets are applied to all variants, like styles).
This list is probably not complete.
At first, it is a bit confusing but one will figure it out the more one works with C1.
I wish IPTC metadata would be part of the multi-variant editing...
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