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Is there a history of editing steps?



  • Andre Hassid

    There is no Adjustment Clipboard under the Adjustment Menu!  Really need a panel of history like they have in LR.  

  • Noob with a Nikon

    Well there's the "history" of the changes in Edit->Undo/Redo. Would it be very difficult to display this history chronologically in it's own toolbox?

  • FirstName LastName

    Oh, I so much miss the history pannel from LR. Would be so great to create one for capture one as well.

  • Andre Hassid

    I gave up on Capture about a year ago.  I find it easier to use my old version 6 of LR where the History Panel is not a mystery. 

  • Khee Siong Tian

    I don't understand why there is no history of editing panel on Capture One. Does surely should be standard. 

  • Ben Dearnley

    Can a Capture One rep please tell us if there are any plans to add a history panel? This would be a huge advantage to Capture One and I actually can't believe it's not there already. It's my number one irritation with C1!

  • Ben Dearnley

    I'm trying to transition from LR and really miss the history panel as well. I used it so much to quickly go back to previous stages and see if I like the edit better. Also snapshots were good too. C1 would be so much better with a feature like this.

  • Andre Hassid

    Not only did I stop using Capture One because of lack of History Panel, I didn't even upload it into my new computer.  

  • FirstName LastName

    Having no history of actions with timestamps ideally where you can jump back is a serious miss. And it seems a low hanging fruit, since for the Undo-Function which can be executed repeatedly, there is some internal log of actions. I see no reason for not implementing this. But anyway, this will for sure be a major change and require a new CaptureOne purchase. I think this makes me move back to either lightroom or finally go to one of the opensource solutions.

  • Marcin-san

    Is ther anyone who reads the comments here?

  • Graham Prentice

    Really need a history panel.  Just seeing a list of adjustments does not cut it.  You need to be able to undo or change the adjustment from a dedicated history panel itself  

  • FirstName LastName

    Is there a history panel, really is needed. I will need to go back to lightroom just for this pannel....
    I make some edits and i show diferent options to clients when they choose i can use history panel to get back to the option they liked.... now im compleately stuck...


  • Andre Hassid

    This is such a ridiculous omission I gave up on Capture One. I paid for this program 3 years ago, but stopped using it soon thereafter. Shocking they never fixed this. I use Lighteoom 6 which is great.

  • RBeci

    Nothing happened when i click on select adjusted, just if i click on copy, useless article

  • RBeci


  • Barb

    Clipboard is empty for me too. So if I have added an adjustment layer, once the program is closed it is embedded and cannot be adjusted again?? 

    Edit: I have now worked it out - you have to copy the adjustments to the clipboard and then they are available to view. 

    Strangely all of my adjustment layers had disappeared, as if they were burned into the variant, however an update of C1 and a restart and they are all back. 


  • csc14us

    Even when I make adjustments to my picture, that clipboard is empty. What am I doing wrong?

  • Lily

    Hi Andre,

    You can add the Adjustment Clipboard if for some reason it is not in its default location.

    Click anywhere in the Tool Tab area and select Add Tool -> Adjustment Clipboard.


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