This support article is archived and no longer monitored or updated. Some information may be outdated. For an overview of our Loyalty Program, please go here.
The Capture One Loyalty Program
The Capture One Loyalty Program replaces the old 'upgrade pricing’ available under your account at
The Loyalty Program has two parts, one for users on a subscription, and one for users with a perpetual license.
In this support article we will cover how the Loyalty Program and upcoming changes to our perpetual licenses may impact you. For a general overview of the Loyalty Program for both subscribers and perpetual license holders, go here.
As a perpetual license holder, you will receive a discount on a new perpetual license or annual subscription based on how recently you bought (or upgraded) your copy of Capture One Pro.
What do I get?
Prices in USD / GBP / EUR are indicative and may vary in your local currency set by our payment provider. USD prices are excluding sales tax, while GBP and EUR prices are inclusive of VAT. If you have a business number the VAT will be removed on checkout.
How do I get my discount?
On 14 February we’ll send you a code that you can use to claim your discounts in our store. If you ever misplace it, simply contact our friendly customer support team here and we’ll provide you with a new one. We’re working to make this a much simpler process so please bear with us in the meantime.
What are my options?
I have a perpetual license for Capture One Pro 23, purchased before February 14, 2023.
You will receive all updates including new features for free until 30 September, 2023.
After 30 September, 2023, you can stay on the version of Capture One Pro available at that time for as long as you like. You will not receive any more free updates with new features, but your software will continue to work as is and there’s nothing to pay.
If you would like to get a new version of Capture One Pro (released after 30 September, 2023), you will have 2 options available to you:
Buy a new perpetual license for Capture One Pro: Use that version of Capture One Pro for as long as you like. You will receive bug fixes until a new version is released, but you will not receive free updates with new features.
Move to a subscription plan: On a subscription plan, you will receive all updates, including new features for as long as you are a subscriber. Under our Loyalty Program you can receive a discounted perpetual license for Capture One Pro when you decide to stop your subscription.
See which option might be best for you and the difference in cost of ownership in this guide.
I have a perpetual license for Capture One Pro 22 or Older
You have 3 options.
Do nothing:
If you are happy with your version of Capture One Pro, great! There’s nothing you need to do. Your software will continue to work as is and there’s nothing to pay. You own it outright. - Buy a new perpetual license for Capture One Pro:
Use that version of Capture One Pro for as long as you like. You will receive bug fixes until a new dot version is released, but you will not receive free updates with new features. -
Move to a subscription:
If you want to try a subscription plan, you should wait until the Loyalty Program is introduced on 14 February, 2023 as you will get a 20% discount on the first year of your subscription. Under our Loyalty Program you can also receive a discounted (or free) perpetual license for Capture One Pro when you decide to stop your subscription.
See which option might be best for you and the difference in cost of ownership in this guide.
Remember, if you’re happy with the version of Capture One Pro you have, there is no need for you to buy a new version or move to a subscription. It’s up to you.
What are the differences in the cost of ownership?
Find out the different ways you can buy and use Capture One Pro, and the differences in cost of ownership in this guide.