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  • Kenneth Williams

    Need X2D support asap. Love Capture One!

  • Robert Farhi

    I worked for years (since version 8) with Capture One but, as I switched from Leica to Hasselblad, I've had to quit and switch from Capture One to Lightroom.

    If Capture One accepted to open a Hasselblad files support, I would be DELIGHTED to switch back to C1, that I loved for long.

    Please !!

  • M D

    Another vote for Hasselblad RAW support in Capture One, for at least the X1D & X2D and ideally even better would be for previous H backs as well, i.e. FFF file format support in general. I am a long time user of both Hasseblad & Phase One backs and cameras, as well as other digital medium format systems. As a Pentax 645Z user I was glad to see support for that camera finally added. I hope the same can someday be said for Hasselblad files. At this point, I'm no longer willing to update to future versions of C1 until Hasselblad support is added. 

  • Alick Saunders

    Hello im also a long time use of Capture One and have converted a few of my mates across to Capture One, I would like to know when Hasselblad will be supported if ever, as you guys are no longer just for Phaseone.

    This would be awesome for all the Hasselblad users. I'm now currently looking for alternatives to Capture One so I can edit in one peace of software. I also love the software.

  • Mikael Johansson

    Another vote for support for X systems, please.

  • FirstName LastName

    There's something ridiculous, pathetic even, about Hassleblad X2D support apparently being intentionally excluded. 

  • Miles Crist

    please, please, please, capture one support hasselblad! set aside the feud with the swedes ;) phase one and Hasselblad X are not in the same market segment... what do we need to do to make this happen? everyone wants it...

  • Erik V

    Given the demerger of PhaseOne and CaptureOne there is no reason anymore to not support for Hasselblad. I'm assuming many Hasselblad users would love the possibility to use Capture One (and ditch Adobe LR in the process). I'm guessing there is a serious business case with a positive NPV for this, not?

    If, however, there is a contractual or other reason why CaptureOne will never support Hasselblad, it would be fair towards the user base to clearly communicate about this.

  • Benjamin Kim

    Erik V/ Hasselblad is the one who doesn’t allow their cameras to support C1P. It’s too obvious. They are sticking with their own software so as long as Hasselblad refuse, it won’t work especially since they discontinued H series.

  • FirstName LastName

    Is there genuine evidence that Hasselblad is responsible for Capture 1's non-support? 

  • Benjamin Kim

    There are only two issues: Phase One and Hasselblad. But since Hasselblad will no longer makes H series, they have no reason to block Hasselblad. However, Hasselblad themselves aren’t allowing it. I heard it directly from Hasselblad representatives when X2D event happened from NYC. They said they never discussed about it. 

  • Kevin Scott

    B Kim --I wouldn't be so sure about that. The complete and total silence from C1 implies otherwise. Phase and C1 aren't even the same company anymore. And let's face it...both H series and Phase's IQ series are as good as dead. As an 8 yr Phase One veteran...the X2D 100c blows both of those cameras out of the water. At any rate, C1 needs to issue a statement on this. If it's not gonna happen, just say so.

  • Miles Crist

    exactly, come on capture one, please let us know either way. not saying anything is sort of a slap in the face to us your (continually) paying customers.

  • FirstName LastName

    When did Hass say they weren't allowing it? Recently? Plans can change....I'd probably sell my X2D and lenses before using Phocus. I'm fluent with Capture 1 and don't want to learn new software. Stubborn I guess. If I'd realized I'd be stuck with Phocus or Lightroom I never would have purchased the Hasselblad system. I'm confident a Leica M11 will produce what I need. My mistake.

  • ettore.causa

    I have been  Capture One user for more then 10 years and I would really appreciate if they could officially express their position on the luck of support for the Hasselblad X system.

    Its obvious that there're plenty of user ready to jump if C1 would support those cameras.

  • Dalton Lim

    Would greatly appreciate if c1 could provide some answers on whether it’s possible. I can understand if there is some rivalry if companies are selling competing product. But the landscape has changed quite a far bit. I don’t know what’s the true reason this can’t be implemented. But it seems like it’s just that the old bad blood is flowing through the veins of both companies. And honestly seems utterly childish. Allow support for x2d will greatly benefit both sides. So what’s holding it back.

  • Benjamin Kim

    At this point, this is very clear that Phase One and/or Hasselblad aren't willing to support Hasselblad cameras. If it's Hasselblad, then forget it, they will not do it since X series are the only camera they have and yet, giving out their camera to Capture One will kill their own software and having disadvantage from others since their camera line up is significantly reduced. Beside, they already said that they will NOT support their cameras for Capture One Pro when they held X2D event. Otherwise, Capture One should've supported Hasselblad X2D already along with others already. 

    I contacted both Hasselblad and Capture One and they said they are NOT planning and interested in supporting Hasselblad cameras to Capture One. Yes, BOTH of them are NOT willing to support. Now who blames who?

  • Miles Crist

    Hasselblad support told me there are currently no plans to support Capture One. Canceled my annual subscription, and the loyalty program enables an 80% discount for a perpetual license, if you're a long term customer. For anyone wondering, Phocus recently in the latest firmware updates is now finally useable, much faster with apple silicon support now. Hasselblad's iPad app has always worked. As for capture one, after the disappointment of the iPhone/iPad apps (too little too late) and where phase one camera releases have been going (nowhere), c1 has gone from my favorite software to a thing of the past. 

  • Robert Farhi

    Same for me. I almost forgot how C1 works, now that I've switched to Lightroom, which became much more performing than some years ago. Phocus is far more useable, too.

    Amazingly, we had an X cameras meeting June last year, and the Hassy representative who came to Paris (France) suggested that discussions between Hasselblad and Capture One were ongoing. Seemingly, they have failed, as stated on top of this discussion ("Not currently planned").

    If they decided to work and support each other, I would greatly appreciate to go back to Capture One, that I loved very much when I had other cameras.

  • Jon Rauschenberger

    Just another voice requesting this capability...even if it is only available as a premium add-on license.

  • Benjamin Kim

    Just to confirm that both Hasselblad and Phase One are NOT planning to support Hasselblad cameras to Capture One. Yes, I contacted both of them and they said a same thing: NO PLAN TO SUPPORT.

    It was very clear that they aren't even trying to support X2D to Capture One so I would highly suggest to ditch either X2D or Capture One. They seriously not gonna do it. 

  • Dalton Lim

    It’s weird how there hasn’t been any official reply other than it being marked as not currently planned. Yet in another post requesting for Hasselblad camera support there has been an official saying to up vote if we wish to see it being implemented. Isn’t there enough upvote here?????

  • Benjamin Kim

    Dalton Lim/ That's not how it works. Both Hasselblad and Phase One need to approve for supporting Hasselblad cameras. Capture One might be a separate company but they are still part of Phase One. Even if Phase One approves, Hasselblad still refusing to support their cameras to Capture One. This is not something that Capture One can't do as both Hasselblad and Phase One are refusing and this is a clear answer. If Hasselblad supports their cameras to Capture One, then they will lose their own software and won't be that competitive. 


    Just forget it. Not gonna work forever especially because of Hasselblad.

  • Dalton Lim

    Hi Hiarch.  Understand that its not as simple as C1 saying ok and all is good. Both side has to agree. The point i'm saying is why is there an official reply in a post with so little activities and not this one. When there is more than enough request to show its demand present here. And honestly Hasselblad has nothing to lose for their software department. It is already the worst software in terms of UI compared to C1 and LR. You can't lose if you are already at the bottom. In terms of output files i have no doubt Phocus can do the job but it lacks features that i want from a software holistically. Cataloguing is one of it that is lacking for me. Also Phase one and Hasselblad should not even be concerned of one another. Their cameras are targeting different market. Hasselblad potential clients are probably GFX 100. Phase one cameras are in another niche group on its own and so is its price. To me its just the long term bad blood they had over the years. They really need to get over it. Its 2023 already.

    If C1 agrees, they benefit as i'm pretty sure Hassy users would easily pay for the software. Furthermore its not like hasselblad would collapse because of no c1 support. It is more likely hasselblad collapse because of its sales. And hasselblad has nothing to lose as their software is already at the bottom. So in some sense its a win-win. Unless Hasselblad wants to focus all their energy to develop its own equivalent of C1.

    Right now I/we can't win the battle on both sides at once. But at least if C1 is open to support it then its one step closer and its for Hasselblad users to all come tgt to get hasselblad to come along. And if by then hasselblad still refuses all i can see Hasselblad bringing its own end sooner.

    I've been using the X2D for half a year now. And I really love this camera. Have tried to live with Phocus but the interface is so terrible it make it a pain for me to use. This is a hobby i enjoy so it should be something i should feel pain using. C1 is one software i have came to love after crossing over from LR. So if i had the choice i would still hope for it to be supported by C1. Not that LR is a deal breaker but if i had a choice i would still choose C1. Till then i will continue to use LR for X2D and C1 for my other cameras with the hope of it being support eventually.

  • Agostino Maiello

    In a nutshell:

    Hello, Phase One (company making 30.000€ worth of cameras), we are customers of a company making 8000€ worth of cameras. We are using their RAW developer for free, but we'd love to pay you to use yours. How about that?"


  • Robert Farhi

    As I posted about a month ago, the discussions between Capture One and Hasselblad seem to have failed. I asked the Hassy representative who came in June 2022 to Paris, telling us then that discussions were ongoing, and I didn't get any answer from her. The only "answer" is from C1, "Not currently planned". Accordingly, I have given up with Capture One and switched to Lightroom a few months ago : Lightroom has a better catalogue, and a better colour rendition than Capture One for the HB files (necessarily converted into dng, then). And the LR tools are now at least as good as those provided by Capture One, and I am not sure I would switch back to Capture One in case they would decide to support Hassy files.

    So, farewell Capture One for me, I give up.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Please provide support for Hasselblad files. Will use Adobe instead if no support planned.

  • FirstName LastName

    I am not buying the Capture One software for the reason it is not supporting Hasselblad files. Seems to be a small adjustment to add the feature and by doing so opening a new market with consumers?

  • GJT_West

    I dumped LR years ago. Now I have added an X2D to my toolset and can't use Capture One.  I wonder if LR is capable of handling files from my Nikons, Leicas, PhaseOne Backs, and the X2D? Can anybody here comment?

  • Carlos Perez

    Come on, I now shoot Hasselblad X2d over Fuji GFX, but the adobe/phocus software is making me regret this. PLEASE let's have some Hassy support here. The only thing Phocus has over C1 is the grain and the clarity slider, absolutely everything else is MILES better on C1 and I can live very happily with C1's grain and no Phocus Clarity slider just fine. 


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