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  • Dalton Lim

    The longer this takes to materialise the longer i get re-immersed into Lightroom. And the harder it is for me to ever move back to capture one. Sad truth but i guess it is what it is. Honestly Lightroom has so many new features since the last time i've used it and to be frank I'm pretty impressed with it. The last nail to the coffin is when i officially decide to edit my Leica files in Lightroom too. As of now i still use it for my Leica files and honestly in terms of performance I no longer see much of a difference between either. Guess Lightroom has really caught up. The main difference would be the interface and while i don't really like it. It definitely easier to have all the files in the same software catalogue. Still hopeful but its slowly fading. Guess capture one doesn't see our community as important.

  • Ned Costello

    Please Capture One - at least support for DNGs converted from Hasselblad RAWs.


  • Mads Alexander Selvig

    This is becoming silly, just add the support

  • Franz Huber

    please x2d support :)

  • ettore.causa

    There is huge communities waiting for Capture One to support the Hasselblad X system.....why is Hasselblad not considering that?

    I am a long time (Since version 3) C1 user, but at the moment  I do feel extremely frustrated seeing and living this situation!!

    I hope that C1 will soon prove that I am wrong!!

  • Michael Morris

    As an owner of Phase One IQ3, IQ4 and the XF, XT systems it's seriously disappointing that Capture One are trying to discourage Capture One users from Hasselblad. 

    I bought the Hasselblad X2D recently and am forced to use Adobe software or export non-Raw files to Capture One -- really disappointing behaviour. 

    Capture One / Phase One need to think bigger than this

  • harold barker

    X2D is now my main camera.  No support in C1 means i am actively searching for a solution.  

    Adobe figured out how to work with Hasselblad.  Get your shit together and just do it.

  • Dalton Lim

    @harold barker. It not that C1 cannot or don’t have the ability to support. It is more of they don’t want to. It’s a case of they don’t want to. Reason to why is pretty complex and no official answer has been given to why. We can only speculate it as long drawn rivalry. Which honestly shows how childish both companies are. And sadly customers are the ones suffering.

  • Erik V

    Maybe we should contact the CEO. Look at his statement after being appointed:

    Since there are no ties between Phase One and C1 anymore, there should be no reason why Hasselblad and C1 couldn't agree. (With regards to Intellectual Property: I could understand Hasselblad's hesitance as long as C1 was tied to Phase One, but this is not the case anymore.)

    If it's a financial issue maybe we should set up crowdfunding...


  • Ned Costello

    I've said it before, in my original post, but I'll say it again. The minimum Capture One needs to do is to remove the flag that stops C1 reading DNGs that originate from a Hasselblad Camera. That is a trivial adjustment. Full Hasselblad support, of course, should still be provided. But that would be a start.

  • Miles Crist

    Here’s what Rafael Orta, the CEO of Capture one had to say:

    We have noticed the requests for supporting Hasselblad cameras from our community, and we have responded to them, unfortunately not the answer y’all likely want to hear.

    Providing support for a camera, especially a wonderfully high-end device like the X2D 100C, is not as simple as enabling or disabling via metadata.

    Instead, we work very closely with manufacturers to carefully calibrate colors and lenses, to make sure their files consistently and predictably look beautiful in Capture One, across many different lighting conditions and photography scenarios.

    As you say, the relationship between Phase One and Hasselblad was notoriously antagonistic, and as I’m sure you’ll know from life experience, it takes a second to blow up a bridge and a very long time to rebuild it

    So, I’m not going to say never, but I can’t commit to a timeline either, so for now we’ve taken the stance of openly saying that it’s “Not currently planned”, and we will of course update that information if and when circumstances allow.

    Thanks again for your note and wishing you all the best.

  • Erik V

    Miles Crist
    Thanks for posting this. This should be upvoted/pinned to the top of the thread

    To everyone:

    It seems that C1 is then open to discussing this with Hasselblad.
    Maybe we should also address our request to Hasselblad's CEO? I am assuming that the demerger of PhaseOne and Capture One has removed somewhat the perfume of antagonism as well as, more importantly, the understandable prudence with regard to intellectual property from Hasselblad's perspective.

    It takes two to tango and from this statement which brings some clarity from C1's point of view, it seems we should also submit our requests to Hasselblad, don't we?

  • GJT_West

    I agree the CEO of Hasselblad should be contacted for their perspective. But I would point that the note from the C1 CEO did not include a “we would love to do it,
    and have reached out to Hasselblad”. I also don’t think the disconnect of C1 from PhaseOne is as clear cut as people here think. And there is probably language in the separation document that makes it impossible for C1 to engage with Hasselblad.

  • Franz Huber

    support to contact the Hasselblad ceo to get their perspective too.. would love to connect x2d with capture one...

  • Miles Crist

    it is unclear who the Hasselblad CEO currently is, and whether or not they even have one now since they're owned by DJI. I had high hopes for Hasselblad but it seems they're all but dead at this point. I don't see why anyone would choose an X2D 100c over a Fuji GFX100II now, at this point with a better viewfinder, autofocus, lenses, (55mm f1.7), and capture one support. I tried an X2D at my local camera store and it was slow, loud, clunky, laggy, and buggy, the viewfinder not as impressive as promised (drops resolution while autofocusing), and overall unbelievably disappointing for such an expensive camera. It was not a premium experience to me and it seems they will never truly fix the issues of the X series, just like Leica with the Q3 the third time was unfortunately not the charm. Sadly, I have given up on using Hasselblad in general, let alone with Capture One, and will probably continue to use Leica, here's hoping the SL3 will be up to par. 

  • Ned Costello

    Re the statement "Providing support for a camera, especially a wonderfully high-end device like the X2D 100C, is not as simple as enabling or disabling via metadata". I think everyone realises that providing full bespoke RAW support for any manufacturer's camera is complex. However, the C1 statement could be construed as articifially conflating the latter with the quite different process of allowing C1 to read DNGs originating from a Hasselblad camera. I still fail to see why Phase One is blocking its software from reading DNGs coverted from Hasselblad Raws. I use both Fuji and Hasselblad cameras and I do not want to have to split my intellectual resources across two different editing programmes. I'm prepared to accept some compromise in having to use DNGs rather than having support for the native Hasselblad RAWs. I would really like to see C1 respond to this specific point.

  • Alan Brandt

    I received a survey from Hasselblad a few weeks ago.  One of the questions was about Capture One support, so it seems that there is some awareness on their side.  Keep pressing both companies!

  • FirstName LastName

    Miles - Okay, I’ll bite. Dem’s fightin’ words! haha. Jk, I actually had the opposite experience though. I think it all depends on what and how you shoot, and how important aesthetics are to your shooting experience. I primarily shoot narrative, street and travel photography. I purchased a GFX 100S awhile back before the X2D was available. I used it for a few projects but taking it out always felt so cumbersome that I reserved it for my narrative photography only and used my XProIII for everything else. I’m a fuji fan but and the XP3 is a forever camera in my book. However, the menu system on the GFX left a lot to be desired as well as the form factor. I love the simplicity of the X2D, the size, the feel in my hand, the 16bit color rendering… Plus I get the increased sync speed for studio work. It is a slower process at times but I actually want to use it and do use it frequently. I probably still prefer the XP3 for street but for everything else, hands down the X2D. Also, I would never choose a camera based on the editing tools… unless there wasn’t any support. I get the appeal of the GFX… I even bought into it for a little. Especially if you shoot video and street but there is something to be said about the slower process. Instead of coming back with 4000 images to go through, many being similar, I have 500 or so unique images. Just my two cents.

  • Dalton Lim

    Great job. We really need to stick together to really try to push this through to both companies. And to why anyone would want to choose the X2D over say a GFX 100 ii. Well it really depend on what matters to you. In all honesty GFX systems has a lot going for it. Huge lens line up, mush faster AF (not to mention eye AF) and of course C1 support. However the one thing that GFX doesn’t do for me happens to also be the dealbreaker for me. It is the colours. I personally like to have natural colours as a starting point when i do my editing. And most of the time i leave it as such. And if i ever do feel like tweaking to change the vibe i can. But with the GFX 100s i had previously, as much as i tried to edit the files i was never able to achieve that rendering. I don’t like spending too much time doing edits to make the colours right. With the hasselblad colours are very much spot on and pleasing. The very reason i sold my GFX to get the hasselblad. But if the colours from the GFX works for you then i would say the GFX is by far the better system. Next is the ergonomics of the camera. The X2D is to me a better camera in terms of ergonomics for me. But i must say the GFX 100 ii. Has improved so much. Lastly it is the user interface. GFX is just too bloated for my liking. The hasselblad is so clean and simple.

  • ettore.causa

    Supporting the Hasselblad cameras would be a huge win not only for so many Capture One users but also for the X1D&X2D shooters which would could get finally access to the best software in the market.

    Please listen!!

  • Bob Kaolan

    Capture One supports all Fujifilm GFX cameras, the Leica S series and even the Pentax 645Z
    I simply don’t get why they keep ignoring and ostracizing the Hasselblad cameras.
    As a faithful capture one user, I find this story to be discouraging and frankly disappointing.
    I thought this software is meant to help pro photographers, offering the state of the art support to the best cameras in the market,!

  • Enrico Contavalli

    Question: is there anything we can do to push C1 to support the Hassy files???

  • Ned Costello

    Yes - keep having our voices heard. And spread the word in our user community!

  • Kevin Scott

    Having chatted with a few people at Hasselblad in both Sales and Support, this will likely take a long while. I've repeatedly told them that I can't use their camera on commercial jobs bc while clients couldn't care less what camera I use, they DO require CaptureOne. Their response has been to check in months later and ask if I downloaded the most recent version of Phocus *cue eye roll*. BTW Rafael Orta (CEO of C1) is from Venezuela and didn't move to Denmark until 2020 so I can't imagine he cares too much about the long-standing feud.

    As for why one would choose Hassy over Fuji given the kerfuffle, the answer is obvious to anyone who's ever shot with both: color. That's the only reason. I also have a feeling this is why Hassy is so reluctant to play nice. Everyone uses Sony sensors now so what gives them their competitive advantage is their proprietary color science--which they'd have to trust C1 with. Providing support isn't plug-n-play either. Both of their dev teams would have to be invested in the collaboration. The problem as I see it is that even Lightroom can't match Phocus' rendering of color, noise, and sharpness. It's close (and good enough for most) but it's not there. Phocus might be terrible (which it most definitely is) but it's still the best option if you want the best color. From the perspective of Hasselblad: Do you really want to share your (protected) IP to a company you hate and who you're not confident will honor the beauty and sanctity of your files? It's a much tougher sell for H than C1.

    In conclusion, I've said nothing that will make any difference for the followers of this forum 😂...but maybe something for a few buyers out there: If you want the best color, be prepared to pay for it with your workflow and sanity!

  • harold barker

    Kevin:  Thank you for the insight.

  • Paul Calver

    Yes thanks Kevin. This is pretty much the same conclusion I came too after speaking to a few different industry people about the topic, Hasselblad essential either have no clue about professional workflow and requirements, or just really don’t care. What they do care about, is their natural colour science. So, I’d say it’s very, very unlikely C1 and Hasselblad will ever make friends.


    I do have the X2D and use it for personal work. For anything commercial, it’s a no go and opt for Canon or Fuji depending on the demands of the job.

  • Permanently deleted user

    Supporting the Hasselblad cameras would be a huge win not only for so many Capture One users but also for the X1D&X2D shooters which would could get finally access to the best software in the market.

    Please listen!!

  • Rudolph Geesink

    I am switching away from C1 to DXO Photolab that has excellent support for Hasselblad X2D including the new lenses, even better than Adobe. X2D is my main camera, so will not pay for occasional use however excellent C1 is. It is a pity they consider them competitor, will cost many potential users.

  • Ned Costello

    Very interesting Rudolph. So, DXO for the price of a C1 upgrade. For all the discussion here about how, potentially, Hasselblad won't provide IP to C1... and yet DXO can read X2D files....


  • harold barker

    +1 for adding X2D support


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