Add direct import from Camera
What problem do you see this solving?
If I am shooting on location but not tethered to the iPad and then, subsequently, want to import the images from my Canon camera into Capture One iPad to cull and make some first stage edits, at the moment I can only do this with a card reader. It would be far more benficial to be able to import direct from the camera.
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
On an architectural shoot for a client where there was no opportunity to shoot tethered to the iPad and I needed to review the images with the client on site straight after the shoot.
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals in Capture One?
Have had to but yet another card reader to connect to my ipad!
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
Hi Jon Kempner – I've moved this to the feature request section of the forum so that it's seen by the right people. Hope that's ok!
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My vote for this feature. I'd love to see C1 Import dialoque recognize a USB attached camera as card reader. I came across the issue that it does not do this several times on my windows notebook as well. And it is not windows or the notebooks issue. It is C1 that somehow does not accept a camera as a USB drive. Maybe there is some interference with the tethering function but e.g. in my camera I can change the USB mode from tether to card reader but C1 still does not see it as a card reader. Lightroom does it. ;-)
When I am shooting outdoors and want to backup/import the files of the day in the evening it would be great if I don't have to carry a card reader with me. Tablets mostly dont have a card reader for regular SD cards integrated and most notebooks dont have one for CF Express Type B.
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What camera are You shooting with? On i.e. newer Nikon cameras, this is already working, as the camera offer both a tethered connection, and a connection to the files on the card.
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Canon R5 and Canon 5DS
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In my case it is a Fujifilm X-H2. As I described above I can switch in camera from tethering to USB card reader mode but C1 seems to be rejecting this connection type. When I plug the camera in with USB card reader mode activated, windows shows both card slots in the exporer and I can access the pictures but C1 gives an error message first that the attached camera is not in tethering mode and when I then try to select the card slot as source in the import window of C1, no picture previews are displayed and the source drop down menu stays on "please select folder".
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Jürgen Hügle - is it just that it says "please select folder" because there are no images in the root folder of the card? Have you checked the "include subfolders" option in the import window?
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Ian Wilson - the include subfolder option is checked. I even tried directly selecting the folder that contains the pictures and still C1 tells me that there are no pictures. And even though if there where no pictures in a folder or drive C1 only shows "no pictures" in the import browser but at least the folder selection dropdown would normally show the selected folder and/or drive. Maybe it is some kind of issue in the communication between windows and C1.
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For further clarification: the TO seems to try import from camera to C1 on iPad (which should be possible according to this help article I try to import from camera to C1 on windows 11.
It is also a well known issue for some years now:
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