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Set All Tools as Open by Default



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I would be very annoyed to see all tools open everytime I start C1, especially those I don't need every time. I would make a dozen clicks to close all the tools, especially on my notebook with a small monitor. This would be an aggravating nuisance.

    So, if the reqested behavior would be implemented it absolutely need to be configurable.

  • Steve Kaye

    I agree that this should be a user selected option.

    By the way, I set up my system to show only the tools that I use. So I want them to stay open.

  • Steve Kaye

    Note: I was told to post suggestions here.

    Is anyone at Capture One reading these comments?

  • Jürgen Pfeiffer

    an individualized saved workspace remembers opened tools to a degree. Sometimes after a restart of C1 the workspace has to be loaded again.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Is anyone at Capture One reading these comments?

    Most of them probably yes, for the time being, they just recently have created this topic for suggestions/requests so it remains to be seen if they stick to that format in the future.


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