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Why Can't I Share Smart Albums



  • Official comment
    Mathieu B
    Product Manager

    Hi alasdair Mckenzie

    There is indeed a technical reason for smart folders not being supported with Capture One Live. In short, smart albums are not really containers like other albums, they are closer to a search result, or a filter.

    The way we built Capture One Live does not support sharing this kind of element, and it would take a very huge time investment to refactor the whole service to do so. 

    I would not expect changes to that limitation anytime soon unfortunately. But we have this workflow very clearly identified, so if we can find a workaround we will.

  • Denis Huk

    Hey alasdair Mckenzie, as you already mentioned, this is not currently possible. Consider writing a feature request post in the Improve Capture One topic!


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