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Adding new camera models to Perpetual Capture One 22 for Nikon



  • Larry McNiff

    Thanks to FirstName LastName and SFA. Appreciate the responses. First, I would say that the software works great (with one exception that I'll mention further down). I've had more of an issue with the marketing group and the way they introduce new version of Capture One. It started a few years ago when I bought my first version. Two weeks later a new version was introduced without warning. I ask if I could get the newer version since they hadn't provided any warning it was coming out. The answer was no. Then I've had an ongoing issue with the inability to add any plugins to my iMac and no solution from Capture One. Finally, I moved to Capture One Express for Nikon and used that until Capture One Pro for Nikon 2022 came out and upgraded several months ago. Now I'm faced again with either buying yet another version or submit to their subscription system. The rigidness (everything is either black or white) of the marketing department is annoying. Customer support is fine and they try to help. 

    I  doubt they will add anything, including new cameras, to my current version. In the end I need the software mainly for tethering. If someone asks me about the software, I'll say it's very good, but if they ask about the value I've received, I'll not be as positive. 

  • Larry McNiff

    ***Update*** - I was wrong!! Today I tethered my Z8 to Capture One 22 (for Nikon) and was pleasantly surprised! My Z8 was recognized, exposure changes were updated on the screen and I captured a tethered image! Outstanding!! Thank you Capture One! I will use version 22 for the rest of the year and then go to the subscription model around January. 

  • Larry McNiff

    I think First Name Last Name's AI compiler is missing a few lines of code! The  problem was solved (it does work), but not comprehended by who/whatever Last Name First Name is! (lol)

  • Larry McNiff

    SFA -

    I finally get it. "First Name Last Name" is an automated response unit. That's why I keep getting the canned answers even after it has been stated the problem has been resolved. Maybe this will help....

    First Name Last Name > Ctrl-z  (return)

    First Name Last Name > kill%1 (return)



  • Rafael Kroetz

    Dear Larry,

    can you use the full performance with your Z8 on CaptureOne22?
    Although I got the latest version of C1 22 (15.4.3) LievView isn’t supported and RAWs aren’t transferred (just the jpgs worked).
    Is there any way to fix this?

    Thank you!

  • Larry McNiff

    Hi Rafael. I was premature in my assessment of what could be done with this version of the code. I'm seeing the same limitations you are. I've only been able to tether .JPG images from the Z8.  If I choose raw, nothing gets saved or displayed. It's interesting that the software recognizes the camera as a Z8 and I can operate the shutter release from the app, but not much more. 

    I'm tired of all the artificial, black or white marketing decisions that are made. They make the perpetual software immediately obsolete. In this case, the Z9 is supported, but the Z8 (almost identical, same sensor, file structure, etc.) is not.  How hard would it have been to add the Z8 and gain some  good will at the same time? 


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