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Please support the mapping of Tangent Element-Kb panel knobs to all the Capture One software sliders as part of Tangent integration.



  • Samson

    The keyboard shortcut of holding easy to remember keys and simply moving the mouse left and right is one of the best I've experienced, giving us the ability to use our beloved knob on our mechanical keyboard and I am sold for life. Please please please!!

  • Eric Mercier

    I completely agree. I have been using the Loupedeck CT for some time now. Wanting to go further, I am testing the Tangent application. Specifically, I am using it to use the color wheels. The Tangent application allows me to virtually test the tangent element that interests me the most. As well as the Tangent Mapper application for its configuration on the computer. I am extremely surprised to see that there is no possibility to configure some buttons for the levels panel, for example. Whereas it is available on the Loupedeck.

    Please, this tool is only great if it is complete ;)


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