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Cannot change ratio in Crop tool (C1 20)



  • Soraya Anderson

    Hi Ian,

    I see the option under Adjustments >> Crop >> Ignore Crop.  Thanks for that tip.  This option eliminates the default crop I set but I still can't crop the image to my specification.  

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Hi Soraya - that's nothing to do with what I suggested. Ignore crop simply means that no crop gets applied to an exported file. That is a feature mainly used when you want to take an image on into another app (such as Photoshop) and crop it later.

    I think if we are going to understand what your problem is we will need more information. What did you do to set the crop ratio for the specific job you mentioned? Can you show us a screen shot of your export recipe? And of the crop tool?


  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Does it help if you change to a different export recipe?



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