Tethering Nikon D600
I recently purchased C1. I have the proper Tether Tools cable for my Nikon D600. It's properly connected, yet C1 doesn't recognize the camera.
Help from anyone... please and thank you
This article should help you out: https://support.captureone.com/hc/en-us/articles/360002381557
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Hey Jack... a little update. Before proceeding with your link article today, I plugged in my camera.. and a window came up to register my camera. I had never received that before when trying to get tether to function. I registered... and Shazam! ... camera is tethered and working!
Thank you, thank you!
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As well, Jack.. unfortunately I have a 15 ft. Tether Tools cable 2.0 - Don't know if may experience problems with it but seems to be working ok so far.
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Jim Harvey That's not the expected or intended behavior, but I'm glad you're up and running. If you or anybody else experiences having to register a camera before tethering, then you should report it as a bug.
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I reported as a bug.. the logs went but I don't think the sample image made it.
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