What's the ideal workflow using Smart Adjustments and Styles on Layers?
i usually use Styles on multiple layers (2-3 with different opacities) and then just edit the Background layer to adjust the brightness and white balance within a session. With C1 23 I was really happy that smart adjustments are now included, but so far I don't have good experiences using it. Somehow the results are very inconsistent and vary around +-500°K and +-0,5EV. At the end I´m always faster if I fine-tune the pictures manually.
What are your experiences with Smart Adjustments and how do you integrate it to your workflow?
Is it better if I create a new Style with the layers merged and use smart adjustments afterwards? Or is it better to first use smart adjustments and then paste all the adjustments of the Master Edit (excluding WB and Brightness) afterwards? Thank you very much for your help!!!
I cull first then select a reference image and use the smart adjustment first and foremost. I then apply the edits I want but rarely create a style from them, but do copy them to them to the adjustment clipboard...... instead I prefer to apply the smart adjustments to the other images from that set then use the clipboard to apply what I needed.
Works for me rather than creating a style for each batch of pictures, especially if some discrete masking is required as only global masks are saved with styles.
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