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Edit GPS tag in batch



  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    Being able to edit GPS data at all would be a start.

  • Thomas Kyhn
    Top Commenter

    I use Photo Mechanic for editing/adding GPS data; it is a bit clunky though. Lightroom is easier to use.

    While a map like Lightroom's may be far off, I don't see why it shouldn't be possible to allow users to at least add/edit data in the three fields in the EXIF – GPS section.

  • Prasad Palaniyandi

    I agree with Thomas Kyhn ...

    Request for editing GPS has been submitted many times through all possible avenues. C1 can start with enabling to add/edit and validate the coordinates format even if they don't have plan to integrate with maps...

  • fractr

    Please, Thomas Kyhn, @..., Prasad Palaniyandi and all the other who will read this feature request, if you are interested in this feature add your vote on my heading post as CaptureOne people will look at the most voted requests.

  • Prasad Palaniyandi

    fractr  As I already commented, this is really a important feature to have. I have submitted the request to allow editing GPS Data field in Metadata Tool. It should have format validation mechanism behind even if it doesn't verify the legitimacy. Also, as part of my improve Import Images Tool suggestion, I recommended to use existing Metadata tool instead of current one which has few editable fields. So, user can to add GPS data along with other EXIF data during import itself. I understand having MAP module to link GPS data may be difficult possibly due to licensing. 


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