Live view coming?
In the worksWhich device are you
ipad 11pro and ipad 12.9 pro , Nikon z8
What problem do you see this solving?
Since I do alot of still life and product work, but even in landscape photography a live preview like in the desktop version would be very helpful in composing to a lot of us I think. Is there something like this in the pipeline?
When was the last time you were affected by this lack of functionality, or specific tool?
all the time in my studio work, and often at capturing cityscapes
Are you using any workarounds or other solutions to achieve your goals?
yes I use a wireless transmitter from camranger to create my own wifi, then I use the software which has all these possibilities already included
Are you happy to be contacted further about this suggestion or request?
yes of course
Official comment
Thank you Katja Schubert and Valentina Giorcelli! As you can see here Image Overlay – Capture One, overlay is not currently planned. I urge you to add your votes and a justification under that post: why Overlay is important to you and what is your workaround now that it's not available in the app. Live view will be available in a couple of months.
Hey Drazen Sokac! Noted :)
Liveview is one of the features that we will most probably bring to iPad, we are currently working on the planning. Why would you use Capture One for iPad instead of camranger once this functionality is available?
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I think CaptureOne is my main tool in my photography, camranger is a gadget that helps a lot in my workflow since it has the live view possibility and sends jpg right to the ipad to see the results instantly, the downgrade of this is of course I have to carry additional wifi transmitters, additional charge or batteries, I have to wire everything up on location…its clumsy…if C1 would have the same possibilities, the only thing i need is an ipad and my cam.
the app of camrangers has a lot of points I like, but as I said, the whole set up is big and I cannot make quick adjustments at the field…
I am doing a lot of fine art precission shots of products, small things, macro, and all this requires a lot of precise small composition interventions, adjusting angles, shadows, light, live view would help a lot, like camranger…
as most of the cams today can build their own wifi, if we could transfer just jpgs to the ipad por preview pourposes, this would be the perfect combination with the desktop variant for a lot of us enthusiasts..
please give us these festures asap, I switched currently to nikon z8 and this cam is not supported by camranger so far, if C1 would have these features there would be no need for workarounds like this anymore
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Thanks a lot Drazen Sokac for the thorough response. It helps a lot understanding your challenges. We might ask you to have a brief chat with us so we can dig deeper on some of the issues. Thanks again!
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Hi Evi,
of course I would be very pleased to chat with you. Let us make C1 an even better app..
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Thank you Drazen Sokac!
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When is the plan to introduce liveview and camera control panel for shooting tethered on iPad Pro?I use live view to see styling changes as well as to gain critical focus on M focus lenses. Please please please It is so important to my workflow!
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Thanks for sharing Joshua Barnard! Can you share a few words about your workflow?
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+1 this. I shoot architecture and have moved to an iPad Pro 12" for most location capture work (with a combination of a Phase IQ4150, Canon R, and Sony a, depending on what I'm doing and working with.
I end up swiping between Cascable and C1 so I get liveview with Cascable, and then disconnect/reconnect to C1 for capture and full-scale preview. Clumsy as all heck, but it's better than nothing. Not having to switch between C1 and Cascable all the time for this would be fantastic.
What would be even better still is to have the option, on cameras with both wired and wireless support, to easily switch live view between them. Having wired tethering is faster and more stable, but I'd love to have the option to grab the iPad, switch to a wireless connection, and walk across the room to nudge stagin around.
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I completely agree with Drazen. I too have CamRanger but I mostly use it when I have to control the camera remotely. I shoot a lot of real estate and am often squeezed into a corner in a tiny apartment or bathroom. I currently set up an approximate composition and then take the shot and review it on C1 for iPad. Mostly I then have to adjust the composition and take another test image, deleting the previous image. I repeat this process until I'm happy with the shot. If C1 had live view it would speed up my workflow no end.
To be honest, I'm kind of surprised that this feature wasn't included at the beginning with C1 for iPad.I eagerly await Live View on C1 for iPad!!!
I'm happy to contribute further if it helps.....
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Thanks James Wallis and sorry for the late response. Live view is definitely at the top of our to-do list. Thanks for providing the context, it makes it much easier for us to understand how important Live view is for you. We are working on our plan for the next months now, so I will keep you posted on if this is coming soon.
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Id like live view for ipad as well. I moving towards doing product shoots and want a simple set up of an iphone to take images and ipad to view them.
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Liveview is also essential for my workflow and I really hope it will release soon. I'm also missing the overlay function for layouts....
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Are we there yet?
I just got an iPad Pro and I am a bit disappointed by the lack of liveview, I did take it for granted. Obviously, I should have done my homework better.
I shoot a lot of food and products and having the possibility of seeing what happens on set with the stylists, live, is essential for speeding up the workflow, especially with clients on set. I was looking forward not to having to take my Mac on set with the obvious risks involved.
Also, I support the layout overlay functionality greatly, but second to the liveview.
Thank you
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Just so Im clear: live view can’t currently be used with an ipad BUT can be used between an iphone taking photos and a windows laptop running capture one?
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Hey Mo Azam, Live view is available for the in app camera functionality - when you use the iPhone camera - regardless if it's connected to a computer or not, as described here and here Capturing Images (mobile) – Capture One
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Sorry Evi I might be a bit slow so let me spell out what I need:
On a product shoot I am using the iphone as a camera
I want to review the images I take with the iphone on my ipad or windows laptop as I goIs this possible?
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Mo Azam – you may want to consider the paid edition of Capture Pilot. You connect the camera to the computer and tether to the computer. You can control the camera from Capture Pilot on iPad including Live View and full camera control. You can see the captured images on the iPad immediately. I've done this while taking pictures for my wife. She likes to review the pictures as we go.
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Hey Mo Azam, in that case yes, you can of course review the shots on the iPad - not on your Windows laptop though. This functionality is only available for mac computers and iPad. Hope it works for you. By the way, I would be very interested to learn more about your workflow, please send me a line here eke@capture if you would like to have a chat with me.
Walter Rowe thanks for chipping in. I don't think that using the iPhone camera is part of the Capture Pilot functionality. As for camera controls and live view of an external camera (e.g. Canon, Sony etc.) they will soon be available within the Capture One mobile app.
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I was told "soon" over a year ago and Live View is still not available within the capture one mobile app. You have anything more than vapid corpospeak?
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Any updates yet on when live view will finally be available as a feature on capture one. It is incredible how such a useful tool keeps getting push back.
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Hey Enda Cavanagh, we will be releasing this in a few weeks. What type of photography are you shooting and why is this important to you? Also, we would love to hear from you once we launch this, plus any ideas on how we could improve it.
Thank you!
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