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C1 23 is freezing when hovering over styles and other tasks



  • Qi Au Chen

    So my question is: Can you support 2 versions of capture one? 22 for the old Catalogs and 23 for the new ones? I think that would work for me until they resolve it.

    Yes you can. Actually, it is how I work because I have the same problem as mentioned in this previous post : 

    So, since 9 months now, I'm using C1 22 for my previous catalogs and C1 23 for the new ones on the same computer.

    The problem seems to come from the catalog conversions. Some of my catalogs are pretty old and have been converted trough the different versions of C1 during time.

    I hope that one day, the dev team could fix that bug.

  • Gerd Klinkowitz

    Hello, I have exactly the same problem. My CaptureOne also freezes after selecting styles. Unfortunately, all tips are just crutches and don't really help. I find it very strange that this problem is not taken care of, especially given the price of the program.


  • Qi Au Chen

    Hello Gerd,

    Probably because there are not enough users who have that problem.
    I don't know...

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