Import is no longer working
Two days ago, I was importing 105 images from a CF card into C1 (22) and a severe thunder storm came through resulting in a power surge and a 5 minute power failure. I have an UPS on my Mac. When the power came back on the down load restarted and the images were loaded into “Recent Imports” but they did not go into my “2023 Catalog”. I have tried At this time I have no idea how to get the images into my working catalog. I have multiple copies of the images in “Recent Imports” but there are no copies in my 2023 catalog.
The Mac is functioning normally except for the inability to get the images into my working C1 folder. I still have the images on my CF card.
Recent Imports” is a collection of references / pointers, however you call it, to your images in the catalog. Importing into the catalog can mean two things, depeding on your import settings, INto the catalog folder (package on Mac) or just creating references to the image location (preferred for most cases).
Without your import settings (screenshot) it is only guessing: You imported the images as references from your CF card.No copy action is done then. Check it out, right-click on an image then "Show in Finder" if it takes you to your CF card. If that's greyed out then it is likely IN catalog (or maybe the CF card is offline).
Or remove the CF card and see if the images turn "offline".Nothing to do with the power outage, that's my guess, just import settings and incomplete understanding of these two import concepts. If I'm right I suggest visiting the learning videos or online manual.
If I'm wrong please provide more information, e.g. search the image files on your harddrive (or in that package) with Finder or so.
BeO0 -
Much Thanks!
Here are my General settings
Here is a screen grab of my workflow
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I manually copy the images from the card to the file system to my desired sub folder and then import them with the option "Add to catalog":
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You can also choose the "Import To" option "Copy to folder" and specify a target folder so C1 will copy directly from the card to the desired destination.
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"Copy to folder"
is my work around, but it is a pain.
I just tried an experiment, imported 1 image while still in Catalog: Capture One 2023
Catalog Collections/All images went from 981 to 982
Recent imports shows the new image (Date & Time are correct)
Folders in catalog went from 327 to 328
PicturesCaptureOne 2023 did not change, 549 stayed at 549 and I do not see a new file
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Folders in catalog went from 327 to 328
You mean images in catalog, not folders, right?
So, you are importing Into the catalog because it does not feel like a workaround, but previously you imported with Copy to Folder, because you want a folder structure beneath your Pictures folder, but you feel it is a pain therefore now don't do it anymore?
Do you understand the difference between "In Catalog" vs. on file system and only referencing the images, and what is it what you actually want?
If you want your images in a folder hierarchy beneath the Pictures folder then you need to specify into which folder you want them. There is no workaround, I don't understand where your pain is.
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From your original post
When the power came back on the down load restarted and the images were loaded into “Recent Imports” but they did not go into my “2023 Catalog”. I have tried At this time I have no idea how to get the images into my working catalog.
I think you know how to do this("Copy to Folder") in the future.
They are probably "In Catalog". What problem is left is maybe you want to cleanup and move the images from "In Catalog" to your "2023 Catalog" catalog structure, just create new folders (if needed) in the library tool with righ-click on the parent folder and then move the images from the browser to the desired sub folder (Don't do this in Finder as C1 will loose track of the images aka Offline images).
Any other problem to solve?
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