Is there a way to export a Style Folders which remains it‘s folder structure when another person uses it on his Computer?
Example to my Question: I create a Style Folder "XY" and put 10 Styles in it. I then export it and send this folder to a friend. Even though when he opens it the Styles pop up in his Custom Style section, they are not in the "XY" folder. Is there a way to export a Folder, so that the Folder structure remains, instead of the Styles just "floating" around unorganized in the custom Styles section?
Ofcourse he could create himself this Folder manually, but I saw that for example the "Beyond Film" Styles by Capture One go automatically in a "Beyond Film" folder when you load them into the program.
So I would love to find a way to make that possible for my Stylepack aswell.
Thank you in advance.
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