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browser can't find session folder



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    Maybe more details, include some screenshots, will enable us to help...

  • charles kasler

    Thanks. This is about all i have. Some images were corrupted & I deleted some from the c-1 files in app data, & I may have deleted something I shouldn't have. Anyway I've opened another session 7 and moved my favorites back into place that were missing so hopefully I'm OK. Otherwise, i have no idea what happened.



  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    What did you do right before this message box appears?

    What I notice in your session favorites is this triangle with exclamation mark, which indicates offline images (or offline favorite folders in this case?). Anyway, offline images or folders regularly happen if you move or delete anything which is known to the session outside of C1, i.e. with Windows Explorer. Do you know that you shouldn't do that and why?

  • charles kasler

    Thanks. Since I have a new session now i don't remember what happened right before the box appeared. I'm sure I caused it by deleting some obscure files in c-1 app data that i thought were the corrupted images. I know now not to do that! Not sure why some favorites went offline but I was able to restore them. I'm glad i'm not on Lightroom, I could see this coming with their file management system.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I'm glad i'm not on Lightroom, I could see this coming with their file management system.

    What do you mean?

  • charles kasler

    Their file management system seemed overly complex to me. I just like the C-1 browser following my own folder system on my computer. It seems more logical to me.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    I agree, one's own folder system on the computer is the best organization one can have, it can still be valid in decades no matter what catalog system one will use then.

  • charles kasler

    Thanks for yr help!

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    You're welcome.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Session favourites is not a file system as such. If you know where the "4th of July" folder actually resides on the computer, you should be able to navigate to it in the System Folders section of the library tool. For example, although I am in my September session, I could still locate the Selects folder in my May session (see screenshot) and set it as a favourite in the September session.

    It looks as though the session you are currently running is called Capture One but the error message you are seeing refers to a session called Untitled Session. So it may be that the folder that was set as a favourite (the 4th of July folder) is in a folder that now has a different name from the one it had when you made it a favourite. You should be able (if you want) to 

    • delete the problem folder from your Favourites (that only removes it from the Favourites list, it doesn't do anything to the physical folder on disc) - just right click it and choose Remove from favourites.
    • add the correct folder as a Favourite in this session.


  • charles kasler

    Thanks Ian, that makes a lot of sense!

  • charles kasler
    I followed Ian's advice, restored my favorites and deleted the problem folder and I now have a new session folder. [I also restored the cosession folders I deleted by accident which started this whole problem. I have no idea what they are? I thought they were the images that sometimes get corrupted. I'm getting two or three of those each session and I don't understand why.]
    But the new session folder is not showing up in my Windows explorer file system. I've never really understood file systems, either windows or capture one so I'm probably at fault. I just have my image folders under users/documents. If I start in affinity to import for a panorama for example, it goes to "this PC/pictures" folder. Is that where my file structure should be and not in documents? I downloaded a new session from my camera and it gave me a choice of what folder, and in retrospect I probably should have selected "choose folder". I didn't and so it's called capture one session. I never even noticed there is a choice of folders for import, it always just went to the correct one. Should I uncheck all except the one I want?
     If you can follow this so far you're smarter than me! The basic question is how do I get the capture One session file to show in my own file structure in windows? Thank you so much for reading!
  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    When you create a new session, the dialog box when you do so should show where it is going to be put. You can change it if you like.

    You can click the ... by the Location shown (see screenshot) to choose any location you want. If you don't do that, the location it shows is probably where it put the last one. In my experience, Capture One occasionally choses to put it somewhere really odd!

    (My screenshot is from the Mac version, but the Windows version should show the same.)


  • charles kasler

    Thanks Ian, I think I've got it straight now!


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