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Win: When Custom Style/Preset has Light Falloff, it is applied roughly 5 times




  • Jarjan Fisher

    FYI, this bug was reported by myself in January, so I've been waiting for a solution for 9 months now. I'm also surprised this has now been fixed for the Mac and not for Win as in my initial communication with support I was told: "It is a bit odd that we can reproduce only on Windows and not on Mac so we will need to do some research first."

    Anyway, I happy to hear that this will now again be looked in to. And happy that you've now committed to providing me with a free update once the issue is fixed. (I bought a perpetual license and you've confirmed this is a critical issue that will be fixed for me.)

    Thanks and looking forward to a solution.

  • Jarjan Fisher

    Apologies from my side, it seems I made an error when initially testing this. It now seems that the issue IS fixed for WIN in version 16.2.5.

  • Lisa Ekelund

    Hello! This bug is very active in my sessions.. if i use the light falloff on images in a session and at a later time open the session back up again, the light falloff is extreme. If i transfer EIPs from one computer to another it's always visible on the other computer when first opening them. This has caused a lot of problems. Is there any way to fix this?

  • Theodore Chorianopoulos

    Which version of Capture One you are running Lisa Ekelund?

  • Lisa Ekelund

    I'm using Capture one Pro for mac!

  • Theodore Chorianopoulos

    Can you update to the latest Capture One 16.5.4 here and view the release notes here.

    After that please work on a new session and import the defected images and see if the issue is reproduced. 

  • Lisa Ekelund

    Unfortunately the problem is still there when opening the eips in a new session on the updated version..
    It disappears when i restart capture.


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