New prices! Are they for real? Perpetual scam!
I have used Capture One for many many years and today I got the so called "loyalty offer" asking me € 210,- for a perpetual licence. When I read the fine print I am shocked:
"Getting a perpetual license means you get the current version of Capture One that’s available at the time of purchase and you can continue to keep using that version as long as your hardware and operating system support it. The license doesn’t automatically update when new features are released like the subscription, so you you’ll need to purchase a new perpetual license if you want later the latest tools and updates".
No company that I know of dears to do this with their users base.
So when I understand it well they try to let you move to a subscription!
No way I'm going to renew my license for € 210,- and not getting any updates or new features. Capture One proofed in the past to make very buggy software with hardly any innovations compare to the competition. And I don't let me force in a subscription plan!
I already purchased a license for PhotoLab Elite.
Wish you all the luck with this un-trustful company that is trying to squeeze every penny out of your pocket, but not delivering anything in return!
That's just one of the drawbacks of C1's new licensing model. If you buy Photoshop Elements then you just get the features the version you buy contains and next year you purchase the new version with new features and the old features, which may have had problems fixed.
The biggest problem is not having new features such as AI masking, which will surely improve over the next months fixed if you purchase a licence today. We are all used to new software tools being released before they are really finished and then being refined over point releases. C1's new license model would suggest that you don't upgrade when a new version is released, instead actually upgrading to V24 just before V25 is released would make the most sense. C1 has effectively turned the old model of purchasing a new release on launch day on its head.:-)
I can understand how you feel as change is difficult to adapt to, and maybe C1 might include fixes to new tools like AI masking as "bug fixes" but I doubt it.
So if you are still interested in C1 in a years time you could consider upgrading to V24 as it will be a fully featured V24?
DXO Photolab Elite is an excellent program and you might consider pairing it with ON1 Photo Raw to provide enhanced editing capability such as AI masking, layers with blend modes, HDR, Pano, focus stacking etc. ON1 is quite reasonably priced for what it offers and may mean that you don't need a pixel editor like Affinity Photo.
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