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Crash during launch



  • Stefan Gosatti

    I would expect you'd need to at least upgrade to Capture One 23 before upgrading to Sonoma? C121 is a bit old now.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    You cannot expect help from C1, see this table

    and probably unlikely that it settles by pure coincidence with an update from Apple. 

  • Okular

    Just an idea: I am a Windows user and here there is a so-called compatibility mode that pretends to an older programme to also run under an older Windows version. Is there anything comparable under MacOS?

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    I don't think there is any easy way on Mac of running it as if it were still on an older version of MacOS, apart from using a virtual machine and installing the older version of MacOS on that.


  • John J

    I am having the same issue and would be disappointed if there isn't a patch to fix this (considering that the previous OS version worked fine and the software is only 2 years old). I paid for the 'perpetual licence' for v21, which is meaningless if the software breaks within a few years. Don't get me wrong, I'm not expecting lifetime updates, but there should be some reasonable timeframe for the software to be maintained.

  • BeO
    Top Commenter

    The new (more recent) EU regulation requires that software works at least 2 years from purchase date, not sure right now when the law took effect, more recently than the release of v21 I think. But if you look at the current (new) C1 policy for perpetual licenses you even only get updates for a few months, until the next feature release is out. It remains to be seen what C1 did in such an event after the law took effect, would they comply or would someone need to file a lawsuit. The new EU regulation is meant for consumer/customer protection but it could be another reason for companies to abandon perpetual licenses altogether in favor of the subscription model.

    EDIT: But of course if the customer has the choice to stay with the supported operating system, provided it receives security updates, and the software still runs on that platform, then there is no need for the company to do anything.

  • mustardscreen

    For the time being, I have downloaded the trial version of the Capture one 23 and I hope that in the coming month there will be a resolution to this issue. I second John J's position that not receiving any updates and support less than 2 years after buying the perpetual license seems incorrect. It is not like we are expecting feature updates, just the ability to be able to run the software. Keeping my fingers crossed.

  • John J

    An update to this one, it looks like the software is working again! I think there was some sort of v21 update provided automatically as the export interface of v21 looks like the v23 interface. I do appreciate the fix! My only mistake was using v23 trial and updating my catalog so I can't open it in v21 anymore :( but that's ok, I don't mind starting a new v21 catalog so I can continue to use the software. 

  • mustardscreen

    Thank you for the updates! I tried to do the same as John J. While now the Capture One 21 doesn't crash during the start up, it is crashing when I try to import one of the backup-ed up catalogues that are compatible with the version. In fact, quite funnily (as well as frustatingly), if I try to import the catalogue used by Capture One 23, it doesn't crash and simply shows the error that the catalogue has been created using a newer version and hence can't be opened. I am suspecting that even the previous issue with the crashes had something to do with loading the catalogue and not the software itself. Does anyone here think that might be a possibility: that update to macOS changed how the catalogue is opened by Capture One 21, thereby causing crashes?

  • FirstName LastName

    I had the same issue white C1 22 on OSX SONOMA:

    - I changed to another user on the same machine -> C1 runs nicely !

    - I installed the most recente update for C1 15 -> C1 started to work again on the previous user.

    It doesn't look like compatibility problem but more like bad coding.


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