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Mac: Files exported from Capture One to iCloud become hidden in macOS Sonoma




  • Official comment
    Jack W

    We attempted a fix for this bug in Capture One Pro 16.3, but it doesn't appear to have fixed the behavior for all users. It has been moved to the Known Issues list in the release notes, whilst we work on fixing this issue once and for all.


    fixed in 16.2.6 and 16.3.1

  • nicolas prada

    I updated to the lates version of capture one, and now im having the same issue

    i had the new macOS Sonoma with a older version of capture one but it worked just fine.

    now no matter if I export to a file on the cloud or to my computer it will hide the images, or if I try to export several images it will write over each and at the end just  export a single image.


    also on iPad if I try to create a preset the screen will freeze not allowing to save the present. no matter if you press cancel or save none of those 2 buttons work

  • FirstName LastName

    it happens to me right after I updated my mac to Sonoma last day.

    -My mac's Desktop Folder is synced with icloud 

    -Capture one is latest ( -> worked well with Ventura 

    -Mac OS is Sonoma Version 14.0 





    The same here. After upgrading to MacOS 14.0, I am unable to out put JPEG files to any target Folder or desktop in iCloud.  I was able to output on to One drive (non apple cloud service).   Local drive solution worked when I specified Picture folder on local SSD.  

  • Mark Noormann

    Same here. The first file when C1 creating the folder will shown. After export the same file multiple times the 6th try will shown. But I can reproduce this. Export to a none iCloud folder works fine.
    I try also the beta. Right now the problem is not fix in 16.3 Beta 2. 


  • Fred Greaves

    I also have been having this issue on multiple Macs with the latest version of C1 and Sonoma and not able to export to any folder connected to icloud.

    I'm experiencing this on a M1 Macbook Pro 16" and an M1 Mac Studio... both running C1 23 ver



    I’d reported this already, including a Terminal/Unix link to unhide the exported hidden files. Find it here.:

  • Zafer Ozturk

    I have been having the same problem with Sonoma too.

  • Kennedy

    Same thing. I just updated to Sonoma. The files are there, just hidden. I made a video. I hope it helps

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    So the answer (for now) seems to be not to export to iCloud. Not convenient, but I wonder, Kennedy, whether if you change the export location to one actually on your internal drive, you can confirm that the export goes normally?


  • Kennedy

    Great suggestion Ian. So I moved the working files to Macintosh HD > Users > kennedy > Pictures (Non cloud file). The files were still hidden. So I deleted the Output folder and then recreated a folder called Output. I then exported all my files and it worked. 

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    OK - so, until they fix the bug, maybe your best bet is to export the way that just worked for you, and then move the files to your desired location afterwards.


  • Jean-Marc Mazzoni

    You can make the file in a folder (or several) not hidden through CLI, for example: 

    sudo chflags -R nohidden /Users/USERNAME/Documents/FOLDERNAME

    However, you will have to do it after each export.


  • David Graeme-Baker

    I am having this problem too and posted on the forum a few days ago 
    "Bug ? Sonoma on Mac and Capture One will not export to the desktop". 
    Indeed a simple workaround has been to export either to the computer's Home folder or an external drive and then move it to iCloud.
    But definitely something odd happening here.


    I posted a step by step Automator script fix in case anyone is interested. Does the same thing but in automated way

  • Eric McClerren

    Same here. Super annoying.

  • nicolas prada

    the new update didn't fix the bug, now it does exports the file and it shows, but if you try to export several photos  it will write over it and only show 1, none hidden.

    also if you try to export 1 by 1 on the same file it will only show the last export image and erase the other one already exported

  • Janet Meyer

    I am having the same problem on Sonoma.  Just downloaded the most recent version of Capture One 23.  Did not have this problem with previous version.

    Exporting a batch of photos, only a few show in the folder designated.  Trying to export one at a time, I can see that iCloud Drive is working on it, and even will see the icon for image file in the designated folder for a part of a second, and then it disappears. An interesting thing to note is that the digital counter for the exports is recording the number of the files that failed to actually export, as well as the ones that make it to the destination.  

    I tried to export to a documents file, with limited success.  Better success exporting to an external drive and then dragging it back into my hard drive and putting it where I need it.

    This is obviously super annoying and needs to be fixed ASAP.  

  • Mike Smith

    Cannot export TIFF's to any target folder (Sonoma 14.1 & C1    

  • Brian Jordan

    Mike, please do make sure you are not exporting to a folder (or sub-folder) that's mirrored to iCloud.  I'm having zero issues.  If I export to a mirrored folder, the same problem you're having.

  • Brian Jordan

    @... I agree this is an issue and needs to be fixed.  But the export problems seem to have hit with the  latest version of MacOS combined with recent changes to Capture One.  At least that's the way it played out on my machines.  I'm guessing Capture One is having to huddle with Apple to figure out why this is suddenly a thing.

    Truth be told, I've completely stopped storing any photos on any drive backed up to iCloud.  All my images (RAWs, finished exports, everything) are stored on externals which **I** back up.  Apple treats iCloud as this pseudo backup-system-but-not-really-backup-system-which-is-actually-a-mirroring-system-to-keep-all-your-Apple-gear-in-sync thing.  I've been bitten one too many times when iCloud didn't quite finish all that mirroring before I closed a lid and moved on to something else.

    The only way I even knew this was a thing is I use the Epson print manager.  By default I export finished print files to a folder on my desktop.  Those images are then pulled into EPM and later tossed.  Took me a hot minute to wonder 'what if'.  I exported to my external and voila - there be print files there.  iCloud had struck again.

  • Brian Jordan

    iPhone and iPad flow through the new cloud feature.  That's new, of course.  Files move from machine to machine via external.  Nothing other than the occasional print file gets saved to a local drive.  Drives get backed up physically and to Backblaze.  Old school.

  • Dario Lanzi

    same problem with c1 20 Version 13.1.4 and Mac Sonoma 14.1

    Any export to a iCloud folder is hidden. What is interesting to know, that the exported files are there on my iPhone and iPad via iCloud. So on iPhone and iPad they are not hidden.

    Export to one drive on Mac works an the files are not hidden

  • Nicholas Hall

    Same problem here with latest C1 version and Mac OS Sonoma

  • Mike Johnson

    I’m having a similar problem. I cannot export dng files as jpegs to a file on my desktop. The dialog box appears and it appears to be exporting as jpegs but nothing happens. The file is empty.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Are you running 16.3.1? Note this thread is tagged as Implemented.

  • Mike Johnson

    My Capture One version is I have checked for updates and this seems to be the version on my computer. If there is a later version, I’m not sure why it isn’t updating.

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    It is resolved in 16.3.1 which I think is a paid upgrade from 16.0.

  • Richard Kopp

    Cannot export. Files are not hidden. Just nothing. 

    Exporting original file works. Makes C1 more or less  useless at the moment. Please make it work again quickly!

    Sonoma 14.2.1 and C1

  • Walter Rowe
    Top Commenter

    Upgrade to 16.3.3 .. this is fixed.


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