Capture One Pro 24 - when?
Every year Capture One Pro relased new version on autumn. Do you know when will released 24 version?
They said around this time last year that they were changing their approach, and there would not be an automatic annual version, and not a "Capture One 24" as such. However, they have said that an update with new features, some of which they have talked about (AI-driven selections) is due to come out very soon.
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It must change namings. Because all of years version has own names releases.
I can't belive it, in 2024 release will has names 23 :/
This is imposible and it is deployment naming mistake and marketing mistake.Look on the screen below:
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Yes, I am familiar with the names, thanks: I have been using Capture One since version 4.
All I am doing is telling you what they said when they released version 23. I don't know what name they will give the new version, and I don't really care. They can call it what they like, as far as I am concerned, as long as it's good.
And I already told you that they said that a new version is just around the corner, though they haven't said what they will call it, nor have they announced a precise date for it.
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Ok, I am still running C1P 14.0.1, lets try this in english then since Capture One isn't using "24" this year....... When will Capture 1 Pro 23 version 17.x show up? Dropping the 21,22,23,24, is just silly.
So when is C1P 23 versio 17.x coming out?
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Jason Nakrani you can change the language of the question as much as you like, but the answer I gave before remains the same - they haven't announced a precise date for it. Capture One users on here (like me) can't provide information we don't have.
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All software, all show, all hardware, all championship, all has new futures, new options, new versions, new engines, new power
All people waiting for this moment.
I think Capture One lose on those willing to buy, because they will not have a chance to expect freshness, novelty or improvements in the new edition.0 -
Ian Wilson, fingers crossed for AI-driven selections. I can permanently say goodbye to LR. :)
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It sounds like they're implementing feature switches, where it compares the date of the feature against the date of the license and uses this to determine whether or not to allow you to use the feature?
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In case anybody is still looking for answers on this topic. It seems as though what we would have thought would be Capture One Pro 24 is now actually just Capture One Pro. They dropped the year at the end of the name with release 16.3.0 and released the new AI masking features at the same time. It's out now -
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What is going on?!
I have a full perpetual Capture One Pro 23 that I purchased last year.
Now getting invites to buy Capture One Pro for 50% off.
I don't like assumptions:
1.) What am I buying, another version of 23 which I have no need for OR the right to a free upgrade to
what I will think of as Capture One Pro 24 when it finally comes out?
2.) If I purchase what I am now being offered, will this displace my 23, or do I still own it fully and can install it on 3 computers?
I must admit to finding info from C1 themselves to be quite elusive and annoying. The isolation from Users by C1 has been foolish ever since I purchased my first version of it years ago. Without "Users" sharing what we guess to be correct there is nil for direct support from C1.0 -
Jack Brady – Capture One 16.3 could have been named Capture One 24 (17.0). Capture One seems to have adopted a different versioning scheme and it has indeed confused many people. If you purchase 16.3 you will get all updates to 16.3, but you likely will not get 16.4 or 17 or what ever they decide is the next "major" version.
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Yes Walter, and that is why I am not purchasing it as there is no definite answer that I can find from C1.
C1 has a very good RAW developer, and that is actually all I feel they excel in for my landscape photography use.
I do not "studio" work.1
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