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Bug ? Sonoma on Mac and Capture One will not export to the desktop



  • Ken Wilcox

    I have the same problem. To see your file use command+shift+ period. It is a hidden file on mine. Today nothing exports. Not sure where the problem is.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    Is your desktop actually on your computer or is it synced to iCloud? If it's synced to iCloud you may run in to this problem. The temporary fix is to export to a folder that is actually on your computer and not synced to iCloud. You can move the files to your iCloud synced folders afterwards, and apparently all should be well.


  • Ken Wilcox

    That seems to work. I have read there is a icloud issue. Thanks for the help.

  • David Graeme-Baker

    Yes, my desktop is synched to icloud and that is where the problem resides.
    If I save to any other location i.e. not the desktop,  there is no problem.

    Interesting note about the exports being “hidden files” - when I do a Spotlight search for them Spotlight insists they are in fact there.
    So command+shift+ period ! I’ll check that out.

  • Ian Wilson
    Top Commenter

    It's as likely to be a Sonoma problem as a Capture One issue - hopefully the support teams's investigations will track down the cause of the problem soon!


  • Richard Reyna

    Just piling on to hopefully get a resolution in the works. Same problem here. I understand using a folder not synched to iCloud, but that is, hopefully, not the long-term solution. Not very convenient for my workflow.



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